Wolf fish

wolf fish

Many fish are given the common name because of their tremendous resemblance to the species to which they are compared. For example, the parrotfish and the zebrafish have earned their names because they resemble the zebra and the parrot. Today we are going to talk about another fish whose common name has earned it because of its resemblance to the wolf. Yes, let's talk about the wolffish.

The wolf fish It is also known as Atlantic catfish, ocean catfish, and devil fish.. Its scientific name is Anarchychas lupus and belongs to the anarichádidos family. Do you want to know everything about this fish?

Wolffish characteristics

wolffish teeth

The fish belonging to this family have always been in charge of controlling the green crab and sea urchin populations. This makes the value of this species high, since it helps us control certain species that are more damaging to the habitat if they are left unattended. In addition, the wolffish is an indicator of the good condition of the seabed, since if it were contaminated, it could not survive.

The wolffish has a unique and special appearance that makes it different from the rest of them. It has teeth that resemble the jaw of a wolf. It consists of four to six hanging teeth quite strongly and conical in shape. The lower and upper ones are the same and it has a central row with four pairs of molars and the outer rows contain blunt conical teeth.

In the lower part of the jaw there are two rows of molars and behind the teeth in a conical shape. The throat is covered with small scattered teeth.

As for its body, it has an elongated and sub-cylindrical shape in the front, with a smooth and slippery texture. Their scales are rudimentary and are embedded and hide most of their skin.

Largest Wolffish on Record It was 1,5 meters long and weighing almost 18 kilograms. The color of this fish usually varies between purple and brown, dull olive green and a bluish gray. It has a uniform dorsal fin that spans the entire back and a fin that runs from the area where it breathes to the tail fin. It has large, rounded pectorals and does not have pelvic fins. Its body resembles that of an eel and, therefore, it swims very slowly.


wolffish in its habitat

This fish can be found in the west and east coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. It can also be found in the Davis Strait, near the Canadian area of ​​Nunavut.

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Knowing nothing very well, they are stationary fish. They tend to stay near their houses built on the rocks. They are continuously found in the benthic zone of the ocean (seabed) and can be seen in small caves and corners that form rocks. The depths at which it lives are between 20 and 500 meters. They love cold water as long as it maintains a temperature between -1 and 11 degrees. To survive these low temperatures, they keep their blood in continuous movement thanks to a natural antifreeze that they have inside.


wolffish hunting

Wolffish use their jaws to eat mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms. It is very rare for it to feed on other fish, only in extreme circumstances. When they feed on other fish they make cockles and some large clams.

It has great hunting skills and is capable of controlling populations of sea urchins and green crabs. When the waters are clean, the abundance of this fish grows, making it easier to control the populations of these animals and not seriously affect the health of benthic ecosystems.


wolffish reproduction

The way to fertilize the eggs of the wolffish is very different from that of other fish, such as the sunfish (link). Instead of laying the eggs, the female in the open ocean so that the male fish can fertilize them and continue on their way, they do the following: they fertilize the eggs internally and the male remains in the nest, protecting them for a period of about four months. . When the young are large and strong enough to be independent, the male withdraws from his nest.

The eggs laid by the female usually have a size between 5,5 and 6 mm in diameter. They are one of the largest eggs currently known. Their color is dull yellow and they are placed on the ocean floor near shoal waters. That is, the ridges that form submerged naturally and are covered with sand.

Eggs can also be found stuck in loose clumps surrounded by algae and stones. To reproduce, wolffish need more than six years of maturity.

State of conservation

wolffish fishing

The populations de peces wolves have decreased drastically in the Atlantic areas due to to overfishing and bycatch (like trawling). In addition, trawling vessels destroy habitats where wolffish shelter and build nests to protect the fry until they are older.

The nets capture different species and heavy rocks that carry everything in their path. Recreational fishing, although not to the same level as commercial fishing, is also affecting wolffish survival.

Despite this, at present, the Atlantic wolffish is classified as a Species of Least Concern. These species are those in which the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration together with the National Marine Fisheries Service has some concerns regarding the status of the populations and their possible threats, but there is not enough information to classify them. as Endangered and impose a Species Law for their protection.

You already know something more about another species of fish that lives in our oceans. The wolffish, a true predator and unique to its territory.

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