Coldwater Fish Species and Care: A Complete Guide

  • Main species: Goldfish, Carpakoi, Chinese Neon and Pink Barb stand out for their ease of care and beauty.
  • Suitable aquariums: Large spaces, with quality water and efficient filtration systems are essential.
  • Feeding: Balanced diets that combine dry, live and vegetable foods.
  • Disease prevention: Regular water changes and quarantine for new fish are essential.

type de peces of cold water

The cold water fish They are an excellent choice for those who want to start with aquaristics without the need to install a heater in their aquarium. These fish originate from natural environments with moderate temperatures, making them an ideal alternative for beginners. Below, we will explore in depth the characteristics, care and varieties de peces cold water, as well as recommendations to maintain their well-being in an aquarium.

General Characteristics of Cold Water Fish

Coldwater fish adapt easily to lower temperatures, usually between 16 and 24°C. This feature distinguishes them from tropical fish that require higher and more stable temperatures. Coldwater fish are usually resistant and easy to maintain, making them ideal pets for beginners.

In addition, these species are often very sociable and striking for their vibrant colorsAlthough it is often thought that small fish tanks are sufficient for them, many of these fish need large aquariums due to their size and space requirements to swim freely.

Major Cold Water Fish Species


Orange Goldfish

El GoldfishThe goldfish, also known as the goldfish, is one of the most popular fish in coldwater aquariums. Its distinctive golden-orange color and ability to adapt to different environments make it a popular choice for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

  • Features: They can grow up to 30 cm in large aquariums and live between 6 and 8 years in optimal conditions.
  • Feeding: Their diet includes dry food, vegetables, and occasionally live foods such as larvae.
  • Requirements: They need an aquarium with at least 50 liters per fish and an effective filtration system.


The Koi Carps They are known for their variety of spectacular colors and patterns, including shades of white, red, black and yellow. Although they are usually associated with outdoor ponds, they can also be kept in spacious aquariums.

  • Features: They can grow up to 90 cm and live more than 30 years.
  • Feeding: Omnivorous, including vegetables, fruits and commercial food specific for Koi.
  • Requirements: A large pond or aquarium (minimum 250 liters) with good filtration.

Chinese Neon

Chinese neon

The Chinese Neons, scientifically known as Tanichthys albonubesThey are small and very colorful fish. Their bright longitudinal line makes them stand out in any community aquarium.

  • Features: They reach a maximum size of 4 cm and live between 3 and 4 years.
  • Feeding: Omnivorous, they prefer live foods combined with flakes.
  • Requirements: They should be kept in groups of at least 7 individuals in aquariums of 40 liters or more.

Pink Barbel

El Pink Barbel This is another excellent choice for coldwater aquariums. Its intense reddish tones and hardiness make it an attractive and easy-to-maintain fish.

  • Features: They reach up to 14 cm and live between 5 and 7 years.
  • Feeding: Omnivorous, they accept dry and live foods.
  • Requirements: They need a minimum aquarium of 100 liters for a group.


El Telescopic fish It stands out for its prominent eyes and rounded body. It is a variation of the Goldfish and is also very popular among aquarists.

  • Features: They grow up to 15 cm and live between 5 and 10 years.
  • Feeding: Similar to Goldfish, they require a balanced diet.
  • Requirements: A large aquarium without sharp objects to avoid damage to their sensitive eyes.

Basic Requirements for Maintenance

To ensure the well-being of coldwater fish, it is important to have a suitable aquarium and maintain some optimal conditions.

Aquarium Size

Space is a critical factorMany coldwater fish grow significantly, and a spacious aquarium is essential to avoid stress or health problems. For example, a Goldfish needs at least 50 liters of water per specimen.

Aquatic decoration

Water Quality

The water quality is essential for the health of the fish. A neutral pH (6.5 – 7.5) is recommended, as well as performing partial water changes regularly, removing chlorine and other harmful elements by using conditioners.

Filtration and Oxygenation

A good filtration system It is essential to keep the water clean and oxygenated, since cold water fish generate a large amount of waste.

Decoration and Plants

Add natural plants and decorative elements not only beautify the aquarium, but also provide hiding places and reduce stress for the fish. Be careful not to include decorations with sharp edges that can harm species such as the telescopic fish.

Food Tips

A balance diet is key to keeping fish healthy. Most coldwater fish are omnivores, so combining commercial foods with fresh vegetables and occasional live supplements is ideal.

  • Dry food: Flakes and pellets specific for cold water fish.
  • Live foods: Larvae, worms and daphnia.
  • Vegetables: Boiled spinach, peas and zucchini.

Common Problems and How to Avoid Them

Among the most common diseases in cold water fish are: White Point, fungal infections and digestive problems.

  • Prevention: Maintain good water quality through regular changes and an efficient filtration system.
  • Treatment: Use specific products and maintain a quarantine for new fish.

Coldwater fish are an ideal choice for both beginners and expert aquarists, thanks to their hardiness and beauty. However, they do require proper care to thrive. By providing them with an optimal environment, a balanced diet, and constant attention, you can enjoy an aquarium full of life and color.

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