When we talk about sharks, it is quite difficult not to compare the species between them. In this case, we are going to evaluate and compare the different size types of sharks in order to know which is the largest shark in the world. Sharks are cartilaginous fish that belong to the Chondrichthyan family. There are more than 360 known species and they are animals that have been found on our planet since prehistoric times.
In this article we are going to compare some of the best known shark species to find out which one is the largest shark in the world.
The largest shark in the world
As there are so many species that have known about the existence of sharks for more than 400 million years, it is quite complex to know which is the largest shark in the world. The image of a shark is easily recognizable by everyone, either because we have seen them in aquariums, in television reports, in documentaries or in movies.
Of more it is known that the shark is known as the typical animal that pretends to eat all human beings in the world. It is a species of predator that has an incredible assimilation capacity. However, sharks or much more than this appearance. They are one of the largest and most fascinating animals in our oceans and seas.
Since there are different currents and opinions about which is the largest shark in the world, we are going to first make a top 3 of those with the largest size.
Great white shark
El White shark It is one of the best known throughout the world. It is the largest and most dangerous predator that exists. It can weigh up to 1.115 kilos in its best state. Its area of distribution extends over all the world's oceans. They are especially abundant in the temperate coastal waters of North America, southern Africa, and southern and western Australia.
It has extremely sharp flat teeth and is shaped like an arrowhead. These saw teeth are designed to be able to cut large chunks of meat from prey. It is undoubtedly the most feared animal in the entire ocean and the most dangerous in case of attack as it has a devastating effect on its bite. It became more famous and well-known thanks to the films that were dedicated to sharks in the 70s and 80s. In these films, white sharks were seen eating the protagonists.
Since then, It is believed that all sharks are capable of devouring humans. And it is that the behavior of this magnificent predator is quite aggressive. However, it rarely attacks humans, unless they mistake it for another animal such as a seal. It can also attack humans if it feels threatened. Realizing that you are not a prey will leave you alone. The problem with it attacking you by mistaking it for another animal is that its first attack is usually so voracious that it usually causes the loss of entire limbs.
Even if he leaves you alone and discovers that you are not what he was looking for, you will have lost the member. The females are bigger than the males. They are usually somewhat larger in size. The fame of an animal that devours men is not fair at all since it is an animal that select its prey quite well. There are multitudes of marine species that cause more attacks on humans than the white shark.
Basking shark
El basking shark than a size that can reach up to 10 meters in length and weigh up to 4 tons. It is the second largest shark in the world. It has a main characteristic and that is that they escape from swimming with their mouths open. Thus, it is filtering the water and collecting the plankton to feed itself.
One of the priority food sources for this animal is zooplankton. Thanks to its filtration capacity, it can filter up to 2.000 tons of water per hour. It has one of the ways to reproduce the most unknown in detail by humans. It is thought that they may be oviparous, but when the eggs hatch, they do so inside the mother's abdomen. It is then that the young are fed to one of them before being able to go outside. This type of reproduction is called ovoviviparous.
It is another species that has a disproportionate size of its mouth but is totally harmless. The size of their mouth is due to their filter feeding. It prefers cold waters but closer to the surface. Therefore, we can find it more easily in areas far from the Equator and it can almost be found in any sea and oceans on the planet.
Whale shark
El whale shark by name is the one that indicates that It is the largest of all the fish that inhabit the earth. It could be said that it is the largest shark in the world. It is a shark that reaches 36 tons in weight. It feeds on plankton, tiny algae, small fish, and crustaceans. It plows through almost all the oceans of the world. Although it is a shark and is usually had, it is a fairly pacifistic shark.
It is 20 meters long. When it opens its mouth it is able to swallow water and then pump it through its gills. In these gills it has fine structures called dermal denticles and they are capable of catching almost any creature that happens to be 2 mm in length.
This specimen is what could be called as the king of kings. It is considered the largest shark in the world and is capable of making you shiver if you are close to it. However, it is as harmless as a dolphin could be. It is not a threat to humans or to most ocean species.
Although it travels through all the oceans and seas of the world, we can find it more frequently in areas near the Equator, where the water is warmer and makes it more prone to the appearance of plankton.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about the largest shark in the world.