The sky gazer or celestial fish It is one of the most peculiar fish that exists in the aquatic world. It owes its name since its eyes, instead of looking straight ahead like most fish and animals in general, look at the sky.
This type de peces It is native to the lakes of Korea, China and Japan, making it a very popular cold and freshwater fish in those countries.
Although few of you know them, the celestial fish or sky gazer, is a goldfish variety, which is also characterized by the orientation of their gaze because they do not have a dorsal fin, which is common in most fish of the goldfish species.
It should be noted that the look raised to the sky, makes the fish have a side and front view, while their downward vision is quite poor and diminished so they have to tilt down a bit to pay attention to what is happening below them.
Skymiracles have a size that ranges between 10 and 15 centimeters in length without counting the tail area, a size that does not discriminate between females and males, so the second is not larger than the first. Although this guy de peces They have a very slow and gentle swim, they are quite active and energetic.
These fish can be found in various colors such as red, yellow, white, black and orange.
Remember that when keeping it in an aquarium and when feeding them, it is advisable to add a little food to them when they are near the surface, otherwise, due to their limited view down they could starve.