The cleaner fish

Pleco or catfish

One of the fish that I know the most because I have it, is the pool cleaner fish, specifically known as pleco or catfish. It is a fish that is used to clean the aquarium although in reality we see it move little, it is not a diurnal but a nocturnal fish and is responsible for eating only at night.

This fish, which is usually peaceful, can reach 60 centimeters and moves very little during the day, in fact it stays in one place glued to the glass or hidden among the vegetation to appear the next day in another place.

I comment that it is usually peaceful but the truth is that it depends a lot on the species with which it lives or the territoriality it has. It is not a fish that attacks if it is not given reasons or feels scared. In fact, one of the biggest problems, at least for me, is when I have to change the water in the aquarium.

This fish usually have thorns all over your body to protect itself from danger (hence it is recommended not to touch with your hands) and when we want to remove it from the aquarium to temporarily put it in another, if the fish is large it can exert resistance to the point of attacking (I do not know if you have heard any You see a fish growl but this one does). You have to have a lot watch out for his head and his mighty mouth because it sucks the net and does not release it until it is sure that there is no danger. You have to be patient with this fish in that regard.

Apart from this, it is a very beautiful fish when it unfolds its fins (both on the top and on the sides and the tail), it is very showy and if you know how to take care of it you will undoubtedly find that, every few months, it will have grown more.

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      Sun said

    Hello, my cleaner has a fat belly

      leo said

    Hello, does it work for tropical waters?

      Elisa Cubas said

    I just put one in my pond of about 300l but, I have a false map turtle that, as it has seen it so still on a rock at the bottom, has tried to bite it, I hope it has not caused any damage