Substrate for aquarium plants

aquatic plants

The aquatic plants they are more than just a decorative object. They are living beings and as such require some care and certain maintenance conditions for their development. Within it the substrate plays an important role for the proper development of the same and the good biological balance of the aquarium ecosystem.

Natural plants need micro and macronutrients to develop properly. On the substrates settle the colonies of bacteria responsible for the transformation of nitrite into nitrate and the latter into harmless nitrogen gas.

The substrates are classified by size, color, texture and chemical composition. From there we find silt, clays and fine sands and those thicker that go from sands to gravels. Granules are important because they promote water circulation and ensure a healthy substrate free of methane and hydrogen sulfide resulting from compacted gravels.

The ideal and correct size is the one that allows the slow but continuous flow of water for the correct development of the plant roots. The most suitable are those classified as coarse sands, from a millimeter of thickness, being indicated gravel between 3 and 5 mm. It must be taken into account that calcareous substrates rich in calcium would be contraindicated for aquariums with needs for soft and acidic waters. Instead they are beneficial for hard and alkaline water tanks.

Regarding the volume, although there are no fixed rules, it is convenient that this don't be too deep, between 8 and 10 cm for the front of the tank and 15 or 20 for the rear. If we choose to place a heating cable in the background, it is usual to place it directly on the base glass. As for the color, according to the aesthetics that the aquarium and the fish follow. And never that the substrates with aggressive or sharp forms such as volcanic rock.

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