Just as there are aquariums for fish there are also aquariums for prawns. In this case it is called shrimp. The most common is that in gambario they do not occur times for various reasons. The best known reason is because many fish eat shrimp so we could not keep them well. There are numerous types of shrimp and each has its own unique characteristics.
Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you everything you need to know about the shrimp and its characteristics.
The best shrimp
What is a shrimp
The prawn is a special aquarium that is used to grow and keep prawns. Most of the prawns brought into the aquarium are the result of the hybridization of several species, and the bright colors make them attractive. In nature, the color of prawns can help them camouflage themselves, but not in aquariums. This situation causes the fish to constantly bother them, that they are always hidden and stressed, and we will not be able to enjoy their existence.
In addition, if we manage to reproduce in the best conditions, the juvenile fish will be eaten by the fish.
What fish are suitable for a shrimp
However, there are some species de peces which are suitable for a gambario. No matter what type of shrimp you choose, it is important that when choosing fish to place in the same aquarium, you have to consider that these should not be too big or aggressive. For example, you can choose a specimen of the Galaxia microrasbora species, because its color gives the shrimp a lot of life, or you can choose a fish belonging to the endler species of the Guppy family.
Of course, the ideal situation is to separate the females because they are larger than the males. Also, you should know that if you put these fish in your aquarium, your prawns will not be 100% safe. If they are completely herbivorous, you can also introduce fish. This is the case of otocinclus, ancistrus and pletoscomus. The species Gyrinocheilus aymoniere It is also herbivorous, but they can grow to about 15 cm, so they are only recommended for large aquariums. Finally, we would like to comment that surface fish are also suitable because although they are omnivores, they do not share space with the prawns located in the middle and lower part of the aquarium. Therefore, they can be a good idea for a shrimp.
What temperature do the prawns need?
Although most shrimp are good at room temperature, it is best to install a heater to keep a stable temperature of 24 to 26 degrees. This is because most rooms experience temperature changes during the day (differences between day and night, door opening, etc.). These oscillations also affect the temperature of the aquarium, and if the difference is too great, it can cause problems. After all, shrimp don't respond well to sudden changes in the environment.
Can you have a self-sufficient shrimp?
A shrimp can become self-sufficient and has all the necessary accessories. To do this, it is necessary to acquire substrate filters, heater, food continuously, a thermometer to heat and adjust the temperature, etc. Other essential accessories are the tests for shrimp that help us to see if all the variables that are in condition, a TDS meter and decoration to adjust it to our liking.
Guide to riding a shrimp
As we have mentioned before, we must have all the necessary accessories so that the shrimp can function in good conditions. Therefore, we are going to summarize all the aspects to take into account:
Normally, when we talk about aquariums it is often said that "the bigger the better", which is more applicable to the cultivation of prawns than to many other species. The bigger the better. Although you can start raising prawns in a 15 or 20 liter aquarium, it is recommended that you start with a larger fish tank. Starting with 40 books, you will have enough space to store the prawns, and it will be much easier to solve the mistakes that beginners make.
As we have mentioned before, prawns do not resist very well to environmental changes, so it is necessary to guarantee a location where the fluctuations of air temperature and incidence of the sun are not too abrupt. A room without too much draft and with stable lighting is more than enough to place the shrimp.
The substrate is another factor that must be taken into account to keep the prawns in perfect health and give them the best color. You can choose any substrate color, but most shrimp farmers agree that black is the best color. Makes prawns and plants stand out more than any other color. There are different types of their deals:
- Gravel or sand- If you are a beginner and plan to use less demanding plants, dark carving will be a good choice for you. Will easily keep prawns out of the box.
- Clay substrate: There is a clay substrate, and the clay substrate used by prawns has a 'damping' capacity. This means that they can help you maintain a low pH and soft water, which many types of shrimp love, especially picky ones like Caledins. They also stimulate plant growth because they are rich in nutrients.
What filter to use in a shrimp
Every aquarium needs a filter, if you want to take care of your prawns and obtain good results, a good filter is essential. The filter not only removes floating debris, it is also home to important beneficial bacteria, allowing your aquarium to grow into a healthy ecosystem. There are several types of shrimp filters, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of filter you should choose depends on the liters of your aquarium. Most importantly, the filter is safe for aquarium shrimp.
- Sponge filter: a favorite of most professional shrimp farmers. The sponge filter is very soft and 100% safe for prawns. They run on air and run on air pumps. If your aquarium is larger than 30 liters, you may need to choose something larger.
- Internal filter: the most popular filtering option for beginners.
- Backpack filter- If you don't want to put an ugly filter in the aquarium, these are perfect - as the name suggests, you can hang it on the back. It sucks water through the inlet pipe, passes through the filter chamber, and then returns the water to the tank through the cascade system. If you want to use one of them, you will need a filter protector, otherwise you will accidentally vacuum the prawns.
- External filters- If you really want good water quality, this is the best option because they are relatively large and have a lot of room to filter materials. Although there are external filters for nano aquariums. This type of filter is recommended for aquariums of more than 60 liters.
Automotive Lighting
Lighting is essential. Most shrimp have LED lighting with different colors. There will be some models that allow you to modify the colors and intensity. This is left to the consumer's taste.
What plants can I put in the shrimp?
Although some shrimp farmers like to keep shrimp relatively bare so they can be seen easily, you may need some decoration in the setup. Your prawns will like this too, as they are animals that they like to have lots of places to hide. This is especially true when they have recently shed their skin, because it makes them vulnerable and they want to hide until their new exoskeleton hardens.
One way to combine decor and function is to use lots of natural plants and moss. The biofilm grows on the leaves, which makes the plant the main feeding ground for shrimp. In addition, plants help stabilize water quality by absorbing hazardous waste and turning your aquarium into a wonderful natural space.
We are going to list some of the main species to plant recommended for shrimp:
- Java moss (Vesicularia Dubya)
- Christmas moss (vesicularia montagnei)
- Taiwan moss (Taxiphyllum alternans)
- Phoenix Moss (Fissidens fontanus)
- Flame Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.)
- Water Lettuce (Salvinia annoyed)
- Duckweed (Spirodella intermedia)
- Java fern (Microsorum pteropus)
- Foxtail and the Water Millefeuille
- Najas (najas guadalupensis)
- Riccia (Riccia fluitans)
- Pelia (monosolenium tenerum)
Where to buy a shrimp kit
There are numerous sites on the internet and physical stores where you can buy your shrimp. However, these places are the most recommended:
- Amazon: In Amazon you will not only find the most suitable shrimp for your style, but also all the necessary accessories for it to function properly. In addition, it has the ease of taking everything home and they are quality products. You can see the opinions of other buyers to see which model best suits you.
- Anthouse: Although it is a store specialized in ants, they also offer some models of shrimp and some species of shrimp that can thrive in these artificial ecosystems.
- Kiwok: is the quintessential store for pets and pets. It has both a physical and online store and they personally recommend what best suits your conditions. Prices vary depending on the model and the warranty is quite good.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about gambario, its characteristics and what you need to have one.