Reproduction of oviparous fish

fish reproduction

La fish reproduction In an aquarium it is a phenomenon that not everyone knows about, especially when it comes to providing the necessary conditions for the fry to be born without setbacks, hence the importance of having a minimum knowledge, in this case in the reproduction of oviparous fishs, that is, the female is the one that lays the eggs and they are the freshwater species.

The oviparous females They can lay their eggs in different ways, once they have been stimulated by the male to lay their eggs. We have to be careful that they are not eaten by other species or even by the parents themselves, it is appropriate that the spawning takes place in a separate aquarium for the young, thus avoiding the eggs be eaten until spawning.

To prevent them from being eaten, the aquarium must put marbles in the background thus the eggs will sneak between the holes another way is to put a net in the middle of the aquarium. Of course there is also another way to reproduce and that is through the bubblesHere it is the male who makes the bubbles for the female to deposit the eggs. They are mostly nests that are deposited in plants, this type of reproduction is one of the beta fish.

It usually happens that there are species that clean the site before laying their eggs, and even move them once they are laid, if they find a better place. Usually the male and female will protect them and they will attack any fish that approaches them, for this reason it is convenient to transfer the couple to a breeding aquarium which is always, in all cases, usually the best option.

Another very curious case of fish reproduction and incubation is that some species do so in the mouth. They are called mouth incubators as they keep them until the fry hatch.

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