Razorfish: Characteristics and Adaptation in Aquariums

  • The Razorfish (Aeoliscus strigatus) stands out for its peculiar way of swimming in a vertical position and its knife-like appearance.
  • It lives in coral reefs in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, seeking refuge among sea urchins and corals.
  • It is omnivorous, feeding on microcrustaceans and zooplankton; in aquariums, it needs adaptation to frozen foods.
  • It requires large aquariums, in schools of at least 8 individuals, with specific water parameters and low lighting.

Razor fish

The sea is home to an astonishing diversity of species, some of which defy our expectations with their peculiarity. Among these, the Razor fish, scientifically known as Aeoliscus strigatus, stands out for its unique appearance and fascinating behavior. This marine inhabitant has captured the attention of both underwater life enthusiasts and aquarium hobbyists due to its Uncommon features.

Physical characteristics of the Razorfish

El razor fish has a body elongate and laterally compressed, giving it a shape similar to a knife blade, hence its common name. Its coloration can vary depending on the habitat: in areas covered with algae, it has an olive green tone with a brown line running along its body; while in rocky or sandy areas, the predominant color is silver, marked with a black line. This design is not only aesthetic but also serves as natural camouflage.

In addition to its morphology, the Razorfish has a transparent plate system that cover their body, acting as a protective layer against potential predators. Another distinctive feature is their caudal fin, which appears as a single rigid spine, the result of the modification of the first ray of their dorsal fin.


Behavior and swimming form

One of the most unusual aspects of the razor fish is the swimming form. This animal swims in a vertical position with its head pointing downwards, which distinguishes it from most fish. This behavior is not only fascinating for divers who are lucky enough to observe them, but also has a practical function: it allows them to stalk their prey efficiently.

In addition, they usually form shoals, often made up of dozens of individuals. This gregarious behaviour provides them with protection by reducing the chances of being attacked by predators. Their synchronised swimming is a visual spectacle that few other fish offer.

Habitat of the Razorfish

El razor fish It lives in tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, as well as in Red SeaSpecifically, it is found in areas of coral reefs, protected inland lagoons and seagrass meadows. These ecosystems offer abundant shelter and food, which is essential for their survival. Corals of the genus Acropora and the hedgehogs Diadema setosum They are usually the structures where they seek protection.

It usually lives at depths ranging from 2 to 42 metres, staying in calm environments protected from strong waves. In these places, groups hide among the spines of sea urchins or among the branches of corals.

Razorfish in habitat

Food and diet

El razor fish is a omnivorous animal, although its diet is heavily weighted towards the consumption of small invertebrates. Its diet in the wild includes microcrustaceans, such as copepods and amphipods, as well as larvae and small shrimpsIt also captures zooplankton organisms and feeds on the marine substrate.

In captivity, their diet can be supplemented with frozen foods such as brine shrimp, mysis and cyclops. However, their initial adaptation It is usually slow to take to new foods, and may require the use of live foods to encourage feeding during its first few days in an aquarium.

Reproduction and sexual dimorphism

El razor fish It is oviparous, that is, it reproduces by laying eggs. Spawning is closely related to the lunar phases, generally occurring around the full moon. Although sexual dimorphism is not easy to recognize, some experts suggest that females are usually of different sexes. smaller size and have longer and sharper ventral fins compared to males.

Group de peces razor

Maintenance in aquariums

Having a Razorfish in the home can be a challenge, but not impossible. It is important to keep them in group aquariums with at least 8-10 individuals, as they are gregarious fish that rely on socialization to reduce stress. Aquarius It should be spacious, with a minimum of 400 liters, to accommodate your space needs.

Ideal water parameters include salinity close to 1.023, pH between 8.1 and 8.3, and temperature ranging between 24°C and 27°C. In addition, it is essential to maintain low nitrate levels, which should not exceed 25 ppm, and provide dim lighting to replicate their natural habitat.

With regards to compatibility, the Razorfish coexists well with calm species such as seahorses and pipefish. It is advisable to avoid aggressive or fast-moving species that can stress them out or compete with them for food.

The uniqueness of the Razorfish makes it a jewel among marine creatures. Its way of swimming, unique appearance and gregarious behaviour make it a fascinating fish to observe both in its natural habitat and in properly prepared aquariums. Despite the challenges posed by its maintenance, those who manage to adapt it to a domestic environment have the opportunity to enjoy an incomparable natural spectacle.

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      Mariana said

    I want to know if the razorfish is cold blooded or warm blooded = - (