As already happens on land, the marine world has a wide variety of species that we could classify as rare or strange. Is about fish that, either because of their behavior or because of their appearance, they have a look that we do not see every day, and that sometimes will even surprise us. Do not worry. We could classify them as completely normal, it's just that we are not used to their presence.
One of the most vivid examples is that of razor fish. It has an olive-green body, crossed longitudinally and with a black stripe that has already been left with the mouth open to more than one. In fact, it is also a laterally compressed fish, but with a transparent coating that makes it look even more amazing. Don't be surprised if you mistake it for a knife, as it looks that way.
It also has other curious aspects. To give you an idea, you can measure up to 15 centimeters, a size that will help you swim vertically, on the lookout for prey to eat. It usually resides in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and the Red Sea, so it has no problems in this regard there.
On the question of whether it is advisable to have it in the AquariusWe can answer in an affirmative way, but keeping one thing in mind: it is not advisable to have less than 400 liters in aquariums. In short, a species that will not enter our home, but that can make an appearance in specialized areas.
I want to know if the razorfish is cold blooded or warm blooded = - (