Pink dolphin

Characteristics of the pink dolphin

Although it may not seem like it, there are 5 species of dolphins that live in rivers. The most famous of them all is the pink dolphin. It is also known by the name of the Boto, Boutu or Amazon River dolphin. With this name we already know where it lives and the areas through which it extends. Their scientific name is Inia geoffrensis and they belong to the genus Inea, part of the Platanistoidea family.

In this article we are going to talk about the pink dolphin in depth, since it is not the same type of dolphin that we are used to seeing.

Key features

Dolphin threats

These types of dolphins are not the same as the ones we usually meet at sea. They have developed certain adaptations to be able to live in rivers without any problem. In fact, these dolphins are parentally far removed from those of the sea, since they belong to different families.

Among the existing species of river dolphins, these pink dolphins are the most intelligent. They have a much higher brain capacity than the rest. In question, It has a capacity 40% higher than even that of human. This may surprise more than one but it is true.

Although they live in the Amazon River, in general, we can also find them in the caves of the Orinoco River and in some of the highest parts of the Madeira River. Although they are mostly pink, we also find some different colors such as brown or light gray (this being a more "common" color among the better known dolphins).

They make up the majority of the river dolphin population in existence, since the other 4 river species are either critically endangered or functionally extinct. It is a pity that whenever there is something special in nature they are detrimental because of human beings and their actions against nature.

These river dolphins are among the most endangered species of all cetaceans in the world. They have been classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a vulnerable threatened species and have recently been classified as an endangered threatened species.

Threats of the pink dolphin

Behavior of the pink dolphin

These dolphins are quite social and friendly creatures. They have lived for centuries in the Amazon and its tributaries. However, the destruction of the Amazon in human hands has been accelerated too much to the point of endangering it on numerous occasions.

Among the main threats that we find we have the increases in levels of mercury contamination. Mercury is a heavy metal that is causing an increase in the number of annual deaths in the pink dolphin. Near the gold mines where mercury is used as part of the extraction, it is where cases of premature death occur most.

It really is something horrible on the part of the human being. In order for us to wear gold chains and bracelets, there are many pink dolphins dying from mercury contamination of the water. It is also threatened by increased traffic on the Amazon River. These animals are curious by nature and come up to the boats to see what it is. Approaching them, they are quickly attacked by the propellers and either die on the spot, or are seriously injured.

You have to think that they are really social and friendly animals and they just want to play. However, we are wiping out stocks. The noise produced by machinery and engines causes noise pollution and causes a disconcerting phenomenon in the navigation systems you have. This is how many pink dolphins die.


Pink dolphin

These cetaceans basically feed on crabs, some small river fish, some small and large turtles. catfish which is your favorite. Since crabs and turtles are usually in the lower reaches of the river most of the time, pink dolphins often swim looking down to see what food they can catch.

Among the characteristics that it possesses, there is one that helps them to hunt in shallow waters and in the flooded plains. This feature is the position of the cervical vertebrae. And it is that these vertebrae are not fused and this allows them to move their head up to 180 degrees without any damage.

The hunt de peces For feeding it requires numerous techniques such as grazing. This technique consists of standing around a group de peces so that they concentrate in one area and, thus, take turns capturing and eating. This method is frequently used in conjunction with other pink dolphins.

Anatomy and behavior

Dolphin with baby

Although the predominant colors are pink, light gray or brown, there is no scientific evidence why they have this color. It may be because they have a special adaptation for life on the river. It may also be that this color is due to the number of capillaries they have in the skin. The pink color intensifies when they are surprised or excited. This can be compared to when human beings blush at any stimulus.

Most of these dolphins are almost blind, because the river waters are murky. With the adaptation process, the eyes have been deteriorating and the brain enlarging and developing. Unlike dolphins in the sea, these dolphins have much less developed dorsal fins.

Behavior-wise, they can appear the kindest of all river animals when humans are around. They are capable of traveling distances of about 30 km per day, although they do it slowly since they are continually looking for food near the lower part of the river.

Males and females initiate mating. Once completed, a gestation period of between 9 and 12 months begins. The time to give birth to the young is when the level of the Amazon River is at its maximum flow. This usually happens between the months of May to July. The young when they are born, only weigh 1 kg and are 75 cm long.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the pink dolphin.

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