The fish known as old water It is characterized by its strange external shapes, due to the plates that cover their bodies and of which more than twenty species have been described that belong to the family Loricaridae. It is also commonly known as the old black woman; grand old lady; old whip, among others, since its appearance is not very showy but an important species comor clean backgrounds or glass.
These fish are characterized by the protection of their bodies, lined with plates or shields that cover them as if it were armor.
De brownish black colorationIt has large plates in the dorsal area and flanks, it has a pronounced dorsal fin, spiny in its rays and a generously sized tail. Its ventral fin is larger than the anal one.
It is a bottom and freshwater fish, and prefers warm waters. It has little mobility since it remains still for a long time waiting for the passage of its prey to pounce and take it.
Although the old woman is accustomed toclean rocky bottom surfaces and the leaves of aquatic plants, in aquariums remain attached to glass or other surfaces by the lips, which sare functional because they scratch algae and vegetables, important for the proper functioning of the aquarium, they are what we commonly call algae cleaners.
Its way of reproduction is very curious, since they carry the cluster of fertilized eggs in a cavity under the lower jaw and they do not leave until the hatchlings emerge. They are very protective of their young, even becoming aggressive without endangering their young.
They feed on: mojarras, catfish, tarpon, boguitas and microorganisms from the waters they inhabit, they also It feeds on organic sludge.
These fish grow very quickly, so they can measure between 15 and 40 cmThis makes them not very useful in a small aquarium.