When we begin to have fish and become interested in the entire aquarium world, we wonder if we put on loud music, it could affect our fish. There are numerous scientific studies that have investigated the possible impact of music and how music affects fish.
How does music and noise affect your fish? In this article we will tell you everything.
Music for the fish
When we talk about music, there is no doubt that we get the image of the plants growing almost without control of how happy they are. Surely they also recommended to you that you put music to your flowers so that they were completely healthy. The question is whether the same will happen to the fish. Clearly yes.
When we talk de peces and music, it is clear that the former are affected by the latter, so it is evident that, if we put the right music, we can further promote their lifestyle and the way they cope with their short existence. We may have more than one problem, but when we have solved them, it will all be easy.
Anyway, we can tell you to try putting them Classical music, since it is a fairly relaxed style that we are sure will help you, to a greater or lesser extent. We also tell you that you can try several types until you find the exact one. You will be able to verify that you have found the exact one when his attitude changes completely.
There is no doubt that music is quite important. Not only in the animal kingdom, but also in nature, in general. You can even test yourself. The results they will be really impressive.
You already know that they exist Many types music, so it will only be necessary for you to investigate in order to find the one that best suits your needs. Sooner or later you will be right.
Scientific studies of how music affects fish
Scientists have conducted various investigations showing how nuisance noise can affect fish. Therefore, it is easily deductible that there will be certain types of music that will negatively affect the stress of these animals. We must also take into account the volume at which we listen to music. It is not the same as listening to music at a low volume than having a speaker with a full volume bass.
In particular, some studies have been carried out in which it has been seen how the fish had difficulties in being able to find food in an adequate way due to the fluid. The scientists aimed to determine whether loud noises were capable of negative consequences. It also tries to know if these negative effects take place in the short or long term. It is important to know if the negative effects of music can interfere only during the moment of maximum noise or affect it in the long term. This can be decisive when it comes to having fish at home.
It has already been proven that various waves and noises from maritime transport and oil exploitation affect a large number de peces. This is because they use communication mechanisms different from ours. The noise from the oil stations interferes with communication and the way of life, affecting the entire natural habitat and the species itself.
Effects on communication and eating
Scientific studies have been able to confirm that loud music with excess noise can distract fish from feeding and interfere with communication. Let's first analyze how it distracts in eating. Scientists at the University of Bristol in the UK placed some speakers underwater in an aquarium with spiny fish. When these loudspeakers emitted louder noises such as noise similar to recreational broadcasters, they saw how the fish were distracted from their feeding.
The fish wouldn't stop eating, but they made feeding mistakes. Errors such as eating waste in the tank instead of food. These errors occurred even when the noise lasted as little as 10 seconds. So we see that loud music can turn negative the moment it gets louder. Let's see now how it interferes with communication.
According to some research, biologists have found that fish have very complex social relationships. Some of these relationships include cooperation in obtaining food and guarding against other predators. They are able to communicate through low-frequency sounds such as clicks, sobs, howls and buzzes that humans need special tools to be able to hear. They are low-frequency sounds that the human ear is unable to pick up.
Although the sea is quite a noisy environment, biologists have found that communication can be disrupted if the music is loud.
Long-term music effects and tips
We have already confirmed that loud music can affect fish in their diet and communication. We are going to analyze now to what extent it can affect in the long term. Researchers continue to study fish to determine the long-term outcomes of the loud music condition. They expect results such as hearing loss, indicators of stress such as erratic behavior, etc. They are quite expected consequences of what can be given through a continuous noise in time.
Keep in mind that not only aquarium fish can be affected by noise. Fish in the natural habitat are also exposed to noise pollution. If the fish can become distracted from feeding in the open sea, predators and other problems such as the survival of the species are put at risk.
Some advice given to owners de peces in aquariums is to reduce as much noise as possible in the home. Some in forums claim that it depends on the type of fish They were startled by the loud noise.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about how music affects fish.
There are times when I put music on my fish and it starts to move like hyperactive, then if I put other music on it it is paused. How do I know which one you like? Because of your relaxation or because of your hyperactivity? Thanks