Throughout the planet, there is an enormous variety de peces of different characteristics. Characteristics that have been given to them, to a large extent, by the process of adaptation to the habitat in which these animals are found. Without a doubt, Spain is one of the countries that has the greatest wealth, in terms of biodiversity, in its waters. In this article we are going to focus in the most representative fish of Spanish rivers and lakes, and that have the most value within the environment of an activity as deeply rooted as sport fishing.
There are many species existing in our country, but perhaps there are a few that stand out above the rest, and that are more coveted among fishermen. We speak, above all, of pike, barbel, catfish and trout.
The pike is one of the species de peces invaders that have arrived in our country. Likes to live on the shores of lakes and large pools of water in which there is dense vegetation that allows it to hide from possible predators.
In our country, it is very common in most of the peninsula, except in the areas of Galicia. Especially, it is located in the waters of the reservoirs of the Júcar river and in the rivers of the central areas such as the two Castillas and the Autonomous Community of Extremadura..
It has an elongated and cylindrical body. Its mouth closely resembles the shape of a bird's beak. The tonality of this fish depends to some extent on the environment in which it is found, but it usually corresponds to a dark greenish color, which becomes lighter as we descend from the back to the belly.. The size ranges from 50 centimeters to the meter, and it can reach a weight of 25 kg.
Pike feed on small fish, crustaceans, amphibians, and even birds. That is why it poses a threat to native animal species.
The barbel
The barbel is surely one of the European fish par excellence. It occupies the middle courses of the rivers, and especially when they have a stony bottom. In Spain it is very normal to find them in the great rivers such as the Tagus, the Duero, the Guadalquivir, etc.
It is a very large fish. Its dorsal fin is tall and short, and it has a cone-shaped mouth. It is green and gold in color. The size of this fish can exceed one meter in length.
Their diet is omnivorous, preferring insect larvae and algae. Although it also shows, on certain occasions, a scavenging behavior.
If there is one fish that greatly appeals to all lovers and fans of fishing, that is the catfish. A spectacular creature as well as mysterious.
The catfish are fish that had their origin in the great rivers of the center of the European continent. Here, In Spain, it first reached the Mequinenza reservoir in the mid-seventies, and since then it has spread to other places such as the Ebro river and its tributaries.
It has the honor of being the longest fish in Europe. Its body, compressed and elongated, can measure more than 2.5 meters in length, and exceed 100 kilograms in weight, almost nothing!
It has a carnivorous diet, since it is a good hunter. The main weapon it uses to capture its prey is its large mouth, which contrasts with its tiny eyes. The tonality of this animal is bluish with black and brownish tints on the upper part, while the belly is very light in color, almost white.
The trout
Trout is the most popular fish in fishing in various parts of the world, included in Spain (where the brown trout live that is native to the Iberian Peninsula). This fish of the salmon family lives in rivers that contain waters with low temperatures. Some varieties make life in the oceans and only return to rivers, particularly the one where they were born, to spawn. A this phenomenon is called anadromous reproduction.
There are different types of trout, but the so-called common trout is characterized by having a brownish color on the back, and white on the lower part of the body. Its central part is full of small brown, green and some reddish spots.
It is not a fish with a very large body, but it has a length of just over 30 centimeters on average.
It feeds on insects and their larvae, small crustaceans such as crabs, smaller fish and amphibians. She is a cunning hunter.
It should be noted that the trout itself is one of the fish with the greatest culinary prestige.
In short, these four are the species de peces that top the ranking of fishing interest in Spain. To them, we can add others such as salmon or walleye..