The correct one fish health you are about to have a good diet. Today we have countless resources to meet the needs of each fish. Among them is the live food very rich in vitamins and proteins.
If we do a little history, it is no longer necessary to go in search of live food to the rivers with the corresponding stocks. Today it is practically out of the ordinary, not being, those lovers who have nearby rivers and want provide live food for your fish, while enjoying their search.
Even so, we have live foods that can be purchased in specialized stores. They are free of germs and pathogens that can harm fish health.
Salty mugwort. They are small crustaceans native to the salty waters of North America. They are usually the first meal of the fry. It is very suitable for growth due to its large doses of protein.
tubifex. It is a light red worm. Its nutritional value is high, although it has the drawbacks of being poorly digestible by fish. You have to be careful where they are acquired because they are very likely to be contaminated with substances harmful to fish. Its main interest for the aquarium is its fat content.
Earthworms. It is a good food especially for large fish, for the smallest it is possible to cut or shred it. To get it, just go with a shovel to a place with wet earth, or even go to the shops dedicated to fishing where they sell it.
Mosquito larva. They are usually found in great numbers among the filamentous algae at the bottom of clean waters. It has a high nutritional value for fish, although care must be taken not to abuse their food, because they can cause intestinal disorders.