El Kissing gourami, or commonly called kissing fish, is one of the most curious and popular species among aquarium hobbyists. This species belongs to the family Helostomidae and is known for its peculiar “kissing” behavior, which is actually linked to the defense of its territory.
These fish originally come from Southeast Asian regions such as India, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, where they live in rivers and ponds with abundant vegetation. However, today, they can be found in aquariums all over the world.
Physical characteristics of the kissing fish
El Helostoma temminckii, the scientific name for the kissing fish, is characterized by having an oval shape and being laterally compressed. Its most striking feature is its large, flexible lips, which it uses to feed and, in many cases, to fight with others of its same species.
There are two main varieties de peces Kissing fish: a wild variety in yellow and green, and another that is much more common in aquariums, with pink or silver hues. The silver color is rarer to find.
As for size, they can reach up to 30 cm in their natural habitat, while in captivity they usually grow up to 10 cm, although with the right environment and care they can reach 15 cm.
Kissing Fish Behavior and Compatibility
One of the reasons for their popularity lies in their territorial behavior. Kissing fish often appear to be “kissing” each other, but they are actually engaged in fights over their territory. Males often hold each other by the lips until one of them gives in. Although these fights may seem harmless at first, they can prove fatal for the weaker specimen.
They are relatively peaceful fish, but they can become aggressive towards other fish of their species, especially in small aquariums or without the necessary shelters. Therefore, at least an aquarium of more than 100 liters is recommended so that these fish can coexist peacefully.
Compatibility: Although they are peaceful with other fish, if the aquarium does not have enough space or if there are smaller fish, they may try to eat them. It is recommended to keep them with fish of similar size or larger.
Aquarium conditions for kissing fish
If you want to include kissing fish in your aquarium, it is essential to recreate an environment that simulates their natural habitat. Below are the main conditions you should take into account to ensure their well-being:
- Aquarium size: At least 100 litres. As they are fish that swim a lot, they need an aquarium with plenty of free space, but also with shelters and areas of dense vegetation.
- Water temperature: Between 24°C and 28°C, although they can tolerate up to 30°C for reproduction processes.
- pH: Between 6.8 and 8.5. Kissing fish tolerate a wide range of water hardness, from 5 DH to 30 DH.
- Filtration: Good filtration is essential, as these fish generate a lot of waste and require excellent water quality to stay healthy.
- Decoration: Hardy plants such as ferns or Java moss are ideal, as they may eat other soft plants in the tank. Rocks and other shelters are crucial for the fish to feel safe.
Feeding kissing fish
In their natural habitat they feed primarily on algae, small invertebrates and plant matter. In captivity, these fish are omnivorous and will accept a wide variety of foods, from commercial pellets and flakes to live or frozen foods. A balanced diet is essential, and you can supplement their diet with vegetables such as spinach or lettuce, which are ideal for them.
If your aquarium does not produce enough algae naturally, it is advisable to introduce vegetables or algae supplements to keep their diet balanced. Without the necessary vegetable supply, they can become ill.
Reproduction of the kissing fish
Breeding kissing fish is complex and difficult to achieve in domestic aquariums. These fish reach sexual maturity when they reach 15 cm in length.
To induce breeding, it is necessary to adjust the water conditions, making it slightly acidic (pH between 6,5 and 7) and raising the temperature to around 28°C or 30°C. It is important to provide floating plants or clumps of dense vegetation where the eggs can float and attach. Kissing fish do not build bubble nests like other labyrinth fish.
Once spawning occurs, it is essential to remove the parents from the aquarium, as they may eat the eggs. The eggs float to the surface and hatch after about 50 hours. After five days, the fry will have consumed the yolk sac and will need to be fed with infusoria or other foods appropriate for their size.
El Kissing gourami It is a fascinating species that requires certain specific care, but with the right environment and proper nutrition, it can live between 8 and 10 years in captivity. Its behavior and habits make it an attractive option for aquariums, as long as the importance of its space requirements and its territorial nature are taken into account.
These fish can be left in cold water with fish telescopes etc…?