The invertebrates that can be included in an aquarium where they can live with fish, are the snails, camerones and crustaceans, Among others, yes, fish that are compatible and are not a source of food for them, especially those large fish with an omnivorous or carnivorous diet.
Most aquarium invertebrates need a certain amount of dissolved salts to help them creation and maintenance of their shells so that they do not crack and end up causing death, hence they need alkaline waters of medium hardness since they are the ideal ones to guarantee proper maintenance.
Although many are of tropical origin, too high temperatures accelerate the rate of your metabolism and therefore reduce its longevity. Temperatures between 23 and 27º C would be ideal for almost all of them. With temperatures never lower than 18º C they maintain their vital signs but below that temperature they will enter a phase of lethargy.
Most species are sensitive to the presence of nitrogenous compounds including low concentrations of nitrite. They are also usually sensitive to medications and especially those that include copper among its components, therefore we must be careful if we have to treat the water.
Is shy and gregarious species of twilight behaviors. Its maximum activity is carried out at daylight. During the rest of the time they are kept hidden in their shelters or after the protection of the leaves of the plants. Installing a moonlight for periods of darkness will help us to appreciate the peculiarities of your wandering around the aquarium.
The snails, some variant, are exaggerated becoming a veritable plague if they are not properly controlled. This must be taken into account to take extreme precautions because this danger does not only affect the aquarium, but the entire marine ecosystem, assuming a great problem.