Ideal temperature for freshwater tropical fish

tropical fish

At first, fish may seem like animals whose care and maintenance is usually not very tedious. In a way this is so, however we must take into account a series of very relevant instructions if we want our aquarium to be the ideal place. One of these crucial slogans is none other than the temperature.

Depending on the variety or species of fish that we have, the thermal conditions that it needs to be able to carry out a life in optimal circumstances are very different. A key factor that acts as a judge is undoubtedly the habitat of origin. The temperature is not the same for fish of tropical origin as it is for cold-water fish.

In this article we are going to focus exclusively on the temperature conditions that are most favorable for freshwater tropical fish. We will detail these temperatures and we will provide you with tips and products on the market to control them.

What is the ideal temperature for tropical fish?

Tropical fish

Thanks to the variety of colors, their striking shapes and, ultimately, their varied appearance, tropical fish are the most abundant species of fish in swimming pools, aquariums and ponds around the world. They are fish that do not require special attention, however keeping them at a suitable temperature does take on some relevance.

These animals are able to function easily in ecosystems with a temperature that ranges from 21 to 29 degrees Celsius, the most exact temperature being that which is around 25 degrees centigrade. Although there are also defenders who argue that the best of all is that the water remains at 27 degrees Celsius. In the world of fish, what happens in many other aspects of life, that "each teacher has his booklet."

Another of their very close relatives, the cichlid fish, prefer the water temperature to be a little higher: around 28 degrees Celsius. This is because they are native to the warm waters of the Amazon.

This situation contrasts, and in what way, with the one experienced by the other great protagonists of aquariums: the fish called "Goldfish", which have a predilection for aquatic environments whose temperature remains stable between 15 and 20 degrees centigrade.

It should be noted that if the water in which our fish live is very clean and the food we provide them is as adequate as possible, they can adapt to slightly lower temperatures.

Recommendations to maintain and regulate the temperature

Aquarius de peces tropical

When it comes to maintaining and regulating the temperature in our aquariums and fish tanks, or in all those places that we have converted into the residence of our fish, there are numerous techniques. Each of them with its characteristics that can be of more or less help to us, so we must adopt those that best suit us. Here are some examples.

First of all, and perhaps this is the simplest and most widespread temperature control measure, be it the use of a thermometer. These devices will provide us with constant and precise information on the temperature of the water, something that is very interesting to us since at all times we know what thermal conditions our fish are in. But beware, Let's not make the mistake of orienting or arranging these thermometers towards heat sources such as the sun's rays or a lamp, since this information will be seriously distorted.

On the other hand, another method that has special strength when it comes to controlling the temperature of the water are the heaters. These devices help us to raise the degrees to which our aquarium is, raising the temperature of the same through the emission of heat. This heat emission is adjustable and controlled, in addition to being conditioned by the number of liters of water on which it acts.

Another negative attitude that many people who want to increase the temperature of their aquarium or fish tank tend to practice is to expose these containers, along with the fish, to the sun. This is not effective at all, since it does not benefit us in our purpose of maintaining a stable temperature range, and it can also be the origin and reason of many other problems such as the appearance, after the fact, of algae in the water.

Market products for temperature control

Tropical fish

In reference to the aforementioned in the previous section, if we track the market we will witness a wide and rich range of products, more specifically thermometers and heaters, to control and measure the water in aquariums and fish tanks.

To facilitate your search work, and incidentally to serve as an advice, we have taken the trouble to expose below those products that we consider to be the best value for money for this task. All of them can be found on the online sales platform AMAZON, well known and that will make the purchase process very simple.

  • The Faburo LCD digital thermometer. It is ideal for use in aquariums. It has a 98 cm long cable that provides more than enough space between the immersion probe and its LCD screen. It is covered by a material that does not allow moisture to come into contact with electronic components. It consists of a 1.5 V battery. Its price is more than affordable, since it only costs 7,09 Euros you can buy it here.
  • Digital Aquarium Thermometer with LCD Terrarium Display. It is much more basic than the previous digital thermometer, but it has very similar characteristics and its price is clearly lower: only 2,52 euros. Buy it here
  • BPS (R) Submersible Fish Tank Heater 200W, 31.5 '' with a BPS-6054 adhesive digital thermometer. This appliance is the ideal combination of heater and thermometer at the same time. It is designed for aquariums with a capacity between 100 and 200 liters. It has suction cups with which to fix it to the aquarium walls and is highly recommended, precisely, for tropical water fish. It should also be mentioned that, logically, it is submersible. If you're interested, here you can buy it.


Tropical fish goldfish

Once you have the fish in the aquarium as part of the ecosystem that you have assembled, you must not stop following the temperature of the aquarium for this you have to have a thermometer that will measure it constantly. There are those that adhere to the aquarium glass and give an accurate reading. You just have to keep in mind that is not exposed to sunlight, because it could mismeasure the water temperature.

To maintain the ideal temperature, you just have to use a special heater for aquariums that is submerged in the water. You can regulate the amount of heat emitted by the heaters and go in relation to the liters that the aquarium contains.

Recommended do not put the aquarium in the sun to heat the water, It is a belief that circulates but it is not true, it is not an effective way to maintain the ideal temperature, since there is a risk of it getting too hot or not remaining stable. How to maintain an aquarium de peces tropical areas with an ideal habitat is to always have clear water and prevent the growth of algae.

We hope we have helped you with this article and also have been able to clarify the various doubts about the tropical fish and the temperature at which they should live, as well as what are the different methods to achieve it.

Tropical fish

Once we have the ideal temperature for our fish, we have to see which ones are best suited to coexist. It is important to keep in mind that many species de peces tropical may not go well together, since they are very territorial or aggressive with other species.

To set up a properly functioning aquarium, we must first verify the compatibility of our fish. Another important thing that you will have to pay attention to when setting up an aquarium with tropical fish is the pH of the water. Each species of fish has its pH in which it can live in a healthy way. Generally, fish can live in a guide between 5.5 and 8.

Among the most suitable freshwater tropical fish for our aquarium we find:



These tropical fish are very famous for their striking colors and for their simplicity when it comes to caring for them. It does not give problems with feeding, since They are omnivorous. You can feed this fish with dry scales, frozen food, scales, sticks, etc.



Another species of fish that is very easy to care for, as it has an organ that allows it to breathe oxygen from the air. The problem it can cause with other fish is that it's very territorialTherefore, it is advisable to ask at the store which fish it is most compatible with or have only one fish of this type in the aquarium.



They are quite colorful fish and are recommended for their great adaptability before the rest of species. The only special care it requires is a fine gravel, since this fish will try to bury itself in it and if it cannot, it will not rest, and it will suffer from stress.



It is one of the most popular and recommended for those people who are starting in the world of fish and aquariums. Require plants and other decorative in the fish tank to use as a hiding place.

Rainbow Fish

Rainbow Fish

As their name suggests, they are usually of different colors and their maximum size does not exceed 12 cm.



These tropical fish are able to survive in a wide variety of environments and adapt to almost any habitat. The only problem that these fish usually have, is its rapid reproduction. If you are not careful, it is possible that the cichlids will end up dominating your aquarium, luckily, you can control the ovulation of these fish with the temperature of the water.



It is a fairly easy fish to care for although they require fish tanks of minimum 70 liters. They are docile although males can become more territorial.



These tropical fish can be very colorful, and you can find them in hundreds of colors, and combinations.



This fish can have very varied colors, and it is very difficult to find one of these with only one color in its scales. It is recommended that the fish tank has 20 liters of water.

With these fish and regulating the appropriate temperature, you can have a full aquarium de peces Tropical and very colorful.

Some freshwater tropical fish
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Tropical fish

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