The betta is a fish very prone to diseases or pathologies that can put the fish's health at risk, some are simply pathologies easy to cure like parasites and others need more extensive care. Although the important thing is to detect the type of fungus in time.
How do we cure betta fish? First we have to observe the fish to be able to identify the symptoms of the pathology and thus be able to apply the appropriate treatment. The betta fish is a very active species, so if we notice that it has slowed down, it is reason enough to think that something is not right.
Betta fish are very prone to fungus. Mostly this pathology arises because water conditions are not optimal or because the fish has previously suffered from another disease, mostly a wound, which has damaged the fish's protective mucus. If we observe that the fish is covered by a kind of white hair and is not very active, we can say that it suffers from it.
To treat fungi we have to buy in a specialized store a fungicide to apply it in the aquarium and thus kill the fungus that lives in the tank. To do this, first you have to clean the aquarium and make a total water change.
Bacterial infection
This type of parasite is very easy to detect in the fish simply by observing that its beautiful tail is damaged or they have lost their color We can think that it suffers from a bacterial infection or better known as the rot parasite that is eating the fins and tail of the fish.
The rot can be derived because the fish has suffered a fight with another fish and the wound has not healed it, although the most common is that the water in the tank is in bad condition. Betta fish are very delicate and their habitat must always be in optimal condition.
This infection, if not treated in time, can progress through the entire structure of the fish until it ends up eating the betta. So that this does not happen, a chemical treatment in the aquarium to eliminate the parasite.