The surprising personalities of fish: How do they adapt and change?

  • Water temperature significantly influences the aggressiveness of fish.
  • Fish have unique micropersonalities that can be measured by their behavior.
  • Fishing can change the personality of species, affecting their regeneration.

Fish happy because the water is at the right temperature

When we talk de pecesMany people may think that these are simple and boring animals, whose only attraction is their colors or the way they move in the water. However, the most recent studies have shown that this idea is far from reality. Just like dogs and cats, fish also have their own personalities. , some of which can change depending on environmental factors, such as water temperature, which can cause them to become more aggressive or active.

The influence of temperature on the personality of fish.

According to various scientific research , it has been shown that a change in environmental conditions, such as water temperature, can have a significant impact on fish behavior. In fact, fish may display bolder and more aggressive behavior if the water temperature increases.

One of the most prominent studies on this topic was carried out with two species of damselfish on the Great Barrier Reef. These species were found to be de peces, normally shy, will show a drastic change in their behavior when the water temperature increases. They became aggressive and much more active, suggesting a direct relationship between temperature and their personality. In fact, by increasing the temperature by just two degrees, the fish became up to 30 times more aggressive than under normal conditions.

In addition to being more aggressive, fish have been found to experience complex emotions, such as depression, when faced with adverse situations. Like humans and other animals, these emotions can seriously affect their well-being and general behaviour.

Recent studies on micropersonalities in fish

Un recent study , published in the magazine Ecology and Evolution , reveals that fish also show individual differences in their behavior, which researchers have called micropersonalities These distinct traits are evident in the way the fish swim and move. For this study, 15 stickleback fish were observed in different tanks, and despite different configurations in their environment, such as the inclusion of plastic plants, the fish maintained their unique movement patterns.

Fish displaying micropersonalities.

This finding suggests that these animals possess a personality that can be measured through their behavior and movement patterns. These micropersonalities are so unique that scientists were able to identify each fish just by its movements , even after modifying the environment in which they lived.

Genetic and environmental factors.

Research has shown that in addition to environmental factors such as temperature, the personality of some fish can also be influenced by genetic factors. A clear example of this can be found in studies carried out with guppies or million-headed fish, in which it was shown that these specimens consistently react to stressful situations in an individual way. Some try to hide, while others face these challenges in a bold way.

These studies, such as the one carried out by scientists at the University of Exeter, also revealed that Individual differences in fish personalities remained constant over time, even when subjected to different scenarios. This contrasts with the idea that fish behaviour is completely plastic and adaptable to any situation.

Guppy Fish and Personalities

Impact of fishing on the personality of fish

Another important aspect to consider is the impact that fishing has on fish at a behavioral level. An example of this is the BEFISH project , which has focused on investigating whether selective fishing may be modifying the personalities of some species de peces, such as cod. Passive fishing gear, such as nets or hooks, tends to capture the most active fish, which could lead in the long term to the selection of more timid or less dynamic individuals.

This implies a possible behavioural selection within fished populations. If the bravest or most active fish have a greater reproductive capacity, removing these individuals may reduce the regeneration capacity of the populations, directly affecting their productivity.

Fish, emotions and well-being

It is shocking to learn that fish are capable of experiencing emotions as complex as pain or stress. In fact, scientists have shown that they have nervous systems capable of feeling pain similar to that of other vertebrate animals, such as cats or dogs. This should make us reconsider how we treat these animals, both in fishing and in aquariums.

Research on the Personality and behavior of fish bring us closer to a deeper understanding of these fascinating animals. While fish may seem like simple creatures, science continues to show that they possess individual characteristics that make them unique. Furthermore, these studies not only reveal to us the internal complexity of fish, but also the importance of protecting their natural habitat and ensuring their well-being in captivity.

Fish communicating

Fish show us that they are much more than just aquatic creatures. Their ability to adapt, cope with stress and display personalities invites us to reflect on the way we interact with them in different situations, whether in aquariums, fishing or in their natural environment.

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