If you have an aquarium with a large quantity de peces It is very possible that several of them reproduce and have young. In these cases, the best option is to separate them in another aquarium so that the rest of the fish cannot eat or hurt them. For this occasion there are farrowing pens. In this article we are going to tell you what they are farrowing pens for fish, what they are for and if they are effective or not.
If you need to have a farrowing pen and know everything about it, here you can learn it. You just have to keep reading.
The best farrowing pens de peces
What is a farrowing house? de peces
As we mentioned in the introduction, a farrowing pen de peces It is a plastic container with three or four parts. The first is a piece of plastic that is used so that, when one of our fish needs to have babies, it can be isolated from the rest so that they do not harm the babies. In order to spawn well, fish need their nest and absolute protection.
There are many species de peces in which the male becomes very violent and defensive with extremely territorial behavior when it comes to protecting his nest. This aggressive behavior can cause tremendous problems in the general aquarium. Therefore, the use of farrowing pens is imperative. de peces. These plastic containers have a top lid that protects them from external temperatures and prevents them from escaping. This way we won't be afraid of some fish escaping us.
The best thing about these containers is that it has a piece that allows to separate several females, because it may be the case that two will be played at the same time. There are also other types of containers that have plastic and mesh edges that are sold as if they were hatcheries. More than as hatcheries, it serves to keep the fry inside the aquarium while they grow enough not to be eaten by the other fish.
When it comes to mating and breeding season for aquarium fish, it is quite a difficult task. There are many fish living in the same place and, therefore, it is best to isolate them to protect them and reintroduce them into the aquarium when they can defend themselves.
As we have mentioned several times, the main utility of this type of container is to prevent our young and fry from being attacked by larger fish. Farrowing pens are used with ovoviviparous gravid females.
Young are very vulnerable when They are newborn because the female does not give them any care. It is then that they can be preyed upon even by their own parents. It also has another utility, such as separating some fish that are sick or causing many conflicts until we see what solution we can offer.
It is ideal to get rid of all these problems in the main aquarium. The farrowing pen is placed in the front part of the aquarium to have control at all times what is in it and that the other fish continue to see the young. The area where the farrowing pens are placed should not have a lot of light or a very large air current. It is advisable to hold the farrowing box with the suction cups provided or stick the front glass with the aquarium.
Farrowing pens are quite affordable in price and there are several models. The truth is that they are worth having.
Are farrowing pens really good?
The farrowing pens are ideal to help the fry to grow without fear of being eaten. However, if we introduce several or more females inside they can eat the young of the others. Keep in mind that these farrowing pens are smaller than the main aquarium, so the fish can start to suffer some stress if they are there for a long time. If we add several or more females on top, we will begin to increase the tension of the environment and, therefore, the stress of these fish.
To avoid this type of situation, we cannot leave the females indoors for much time. These farrowing pens are great for obtaining young and fry from guppy fish. You also have to think about the size of the female to assign the size of the farrowing pen. Try to provide them well each one so that the stress they suffer is minimal.
Once the hatchlings are introduced, the fry cannot be isolated for long. This is because, although the farrowing pen is large, it is not comparable to the aquarium. Being living in a place with such a small size, they do not usually grow much and their development is interrupted to the adult stage.
At most it is recommended to keep them for two months and as long as you keep the water in good condition.
Main drawbacks
Just as these containers can help us to have a better reproduction of our fish, they also have some main drawbacks. The first is the stress it causes in females. If you are swimming in a larger aquarium, you are introduced to a smaller one with a different morphology. This creates bad vibes for the fish.
It is advisable to remove the female when the parturition is over to prevent her from eating them. Another drawback apart from stress is the poor circulation that the water has. In these cases, it is best not to keep the fish indoors for too long to avoid stagnant water and poor oxygenation. However, some species de peces as the Bettas they adapt well to anoxic conditions, so farrowing pens are ideal for them.
Farrowing house cleaning
When we start to use the farrowing pens for fish, the most normal thing is that, when the light is shining on it, green and brown algae begin to appear. With a sponge we can remove them. Do not use a metal scourer or you will scratch the surface of the farrowing pen.
The fact that it is not an aquarium itself does not leave you exempt from obligations such as renewing the water. You can overturn the farrowing pen a little so that the water with the remains of food and excrement come out through the grates. In this way, the female will not have to be removed and we can renew the water perfectly.
I hope that with these tips you can use the farrowing pens for fish correctly.