Electric Yellow Fish

This species de peces They are special to have in aquariums. They have a size of more or less 13 centimeters and are quite calm and docile, as long as the conditions of the fish tank are adequate.

The electric yellow fish are originating from Lake Malawi in Africa, for what they are freshwater fish.

This type de peces They have a fairly varied omnivorous diet, which can include insects, snails, mollusks, krill and other types of shrimp, however they can also feed on scales, algae and nori.

It is important that you keep in mind that the right aquarium for this type de peces It should have between 100 and 200 liters of water. It must also be long and wide enough for at least 4 fish of this species to live there. Likewise, the temperature of the water we have in the fish tank should be more or less 25 degrees Celsius and the pH should be between 7, 8 and 8,9.

To decorate the aquarium you can use different types of rocks to form hiding places so that your animals can play and hide and you can also place some aquatic plants such as ferns and anubias. I recommend that you do not use rooted plants.

It is very important and vital that your animals can swim and move, so the aquarium space is quite important, since they can become aggressive and territorial animals if space is limited. Keep in mind that the pond must always be in very good hygienic conditions, and without excess food since they come from a lake in which its waters are quite pure and they are used to this, so they will not tolerate dirt and poor maintenance.

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      anonymous said

    I have a fish tank with algae, and a betta fish and I think the beta fish wants to eat my electric yellow fish