Today we are going to talk about a fish whose beauty makes it considered the king of the aquarium. It is about the discus fish. These fish are stunningly beautiful, and ensuring their healthy growth and development is an easy task.
Here we are going to talk about how to take care of them, characteristics and some curiosities. Do you want to know more about this type of fish?
The king of the aquarium
Before humans began to cross species de peces, the discus fish was very difficult to care for. Their requirements were very large and strict. However, today this is quite a simple task. This occurs because by crossing so many species de peces, have adapted to life in captivity, so they are "used" to living that way and do not require much care.
It is true that discus fish need a lot of attention in terms of food and water qualityTherefore, it can be classified as a delicate species. If they are not fed well or the quality of the water is not good, they are capable of contracting diseases and parasites quickly.
Due to some of these demands, there are many people who have aquariums who have rejected this fish and have closed the doors in their home. On the other hand, there are people who value the delicacy of these fish and prefer to work hard to take care of them, show them affection and meet the challenge of caring for them.
Discus fish characteristics and morphology
These fish belong to the cichlid family, forming part of the order of the perciformes. The scientific name of discus fish is symphysodon discus, whose meaning is seen in the shape so characteristic of these fish. If they are cared for correctly and the necessary guidelines for their good diet and healthy environment are followed, these fish can live up to 12 years.
By some aquarists these fish are considered the most beautiful of all species de peces of fresh water.
In terms of morphology, they can be easily recognized, since they are round-shaped, flat-bodied fish. Its fins, dorsal and anal, run along the body to the tail region, which maintains a triangular shape to execute rapid movements. When they are adults, they can reach lengths up to 20 cm, so it is recommended to have it in an aquarium that has a volume of water of 40 liters.
Their characteristic skin coloration makes them distinctive of this species. Their colors usually range from dark blue or yellow to white or deep red. It has nine black bands that cross its body vertically and have a curious function: they are the ones that determine mood or stress level that the discus fish is suffering, depending on the intensity of the color.
They are also very showy for their red eyes. Being able to differentiate between male and female is complicated, since there is a sexual dimorphism. In the breeding season, however, the genital papilla of males becomes pointed and in females rounded.
Distribution and habitat
These fish inhabit the regions of South America that Brazil and Peru occupy. They usually live in the basins of the rivers of the Amazon and the lakes that have water with little activity. The habitat is made up of a warm temperature typical of this tropical area, which will later affect the temperature that the aquarium water must have.
When there are times of floods, the river drags all the vegetation into the waters, causing a large amount of organic material to be stored and decomposed over time. This event conditions the variables that discus fish are used to, such as, for example, an acidic pH (between 4 and 6) and practically zero water hardness. Therefore, later we will see that the water must be kept at an acidic pH.
These more acidic water conditions mean that there are hardly any bacteria and parasites in the water and that they can attack the fish. Therefore, it is important to maintain the ideal temperature and pH conditions, since these fish are vulnerable to being infected. This is why we recommend that you have a water quality meter.
The behavior of these fish makes them have a hierarchy in their populations. They define a leader and we must provide him with between 8 and 12 followers to accompany you. Although they are not territorial, they move in shoals, so a large space must be maintained in our aquarium.
In some cases, when they become ill or have high levels of stress, discus fish adopt a black coloration on their skin, and may even show it by swimming in circles, with a leaning posture or a sudden pronouncing of their black stripes. These symptoms will serve to alert us to environmental conditions, an aspect that we must monitor from time to time.
In terms of compatibility, discus fish are ideal to live with Tetra, dwarf cichlids and loricars.
Discus fish feeding
One of the main keys to caring for discus fish is feeding. They should have a combined diet of live foods, such as mosquito larvae or brine shrimp, with scales and some vegetables. A homemade porridge composed of chicken liver and heart, egg, banana, carrots, etc. can also be used as food.
They must be fed twice a day and always in small portions since these fish are more likely to die from overfeeding than from hunger. It must be ensured that the diet is high in protein and vitamins for proper growth and healthy condition.
When discus fish first lay eggs, many of them can be eaten by parents. This should not concern us, as it is part of their lifestyle. On the following occasions, they will make a final setting. In just a few days after laying eggs, we can see the fry swimming through the aquarium and feeding on the mucosa that secretes the skin of the parents. Over time, we can start by introducing brine shrimp and larger foods as the days go by.
It is important that, between the months of October to April, the discus fish have a good place for the courtship and gestation stage. This courtship is based on the couple's swimming walk around the aquarium and, after that, each individual displays their colors before the other, showing off their attributes. Once they have finished courting, They are looking for the ideal place for laying. There are some people who prefer to leave the pair alone in an aquarium during this time so that there are no problems with other fish.
Requirements for its maintenance and diseases
If you are going to have discus fish in your aquarium, it is important to have at least 4 specimens so that the leader can exercise over the rest. Once you have put the fish in the aquarium they will be unfriendly and suspicious. You have to wait a bit for the stress of the movement to run out to feed them.
You will need a fish tank with 100 liters of capacity and 40 more liters for each copy that you enter. The water temperature should stay above 26 degrees (so you will need a water heater), and check that they are under a pH below 7. To change the water, just renew 20% of it on a weekly basis. Place gravel in the bottom of the tank so that the fish is not confused by the reflection in the glass.
If these requirements are not met, the fish may suffer from some diseases such as:
- Eye problems
- Running uncontrollably through the aquarium.
- Malformations in the fins and caps (caused by lack of minerals).
- Fin rot.
- Helminths.
- Hexamite.
- Branchial parasites.
- Exophthalmia.
Discus varieties and prices
Disco Fish Heckel, Symphysodon Discus
This fish originates from the Río Negro (Brazil). Has a fifth thick black bar and two varieties, one red and one blue. It is considered one of the most difficult fish to keep, because it requires very soft waters and low pH.
Brown Discus Fish, Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Axelrodi
This species is raised by those people who are fond of wild fish, since they are also very difficult to keep. It has a brown background, ranging from yellowish brown to rust brown. It has colorful stripes on fins and very often on the head.
Green Discus Fish, Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Aequifasciatus
This fish has a color gamut ranging from yellowish green to olive green to light brown.
Blue Discus Fish, Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Haraldi
They have a wide variety of blue colors and have blue stripes and streaks on their body, head and fins.
The price of discus fish are a function of length. The fish of 5cm cost about 25 euros, those of 8-9cm 60 euros and the older ones around 90 euros.
With this information you will be able to have your discus fish in your aquarium and be able to say that you are capable of taking care of the kings of the aquarium.
I think it's outrageous to say that for a disk you must have a 40-liter aquarium. Each disc requires at least 125 liters, due to the competition of cutaneous mucus that they have available for when they breed.
There is some kind of dwarf disc that does not grow that much ...
I just bought 4 but they are small, thanks to the information on their behavior I was able to decipher that it is normal and not get nervous because the cost of these little friends is high in Mexico