Characteristics, Care and Habitat of the Coral Fish (Heniochus Acuminatus)

  • The Coral fish is native to the Indian-Pacific Ocean, distributed from Africa to Japan.
  • It stands out for its striking appearance, with black and white stripes and bright yellow fins.
  • It is sociable, non-territorial and suitable for beginners in aquaristics.
  • It requires an aquarium of at least 300 liters, with water of optimal quality and specific parameters.

Coral Fish Heniochus Acuminatus

El Coral fish, scientifically known as Heniochus Acuminatus, is a fascinating species that stands out for its beauty, sociable behavior and ease of care. This tropical fish belongs to the family Chaetodontidae, commonly called the butterflyfish family. Originating from the Indian-Pacific Ocean, can be found from the east coast of Africa to southern Japan and Polynesia. It is particularly popular with aquarium hobbyists due to its spectacular appearance and calm behaviour, as well as being an ideal species for beginners.

Physical characteristics of the Coral Fish

Coral fish

El Heniochus Acuminatus It is known for its elegant appearance. It has a laterally compressed, oval-shaped body, with a maximum length of 25 cmIts most striking feature is the long dorsal fin in the shape of a filament, which can be longer than the fish itself. Its coloration consists of two stripes black on a bright white background, with shades yellow in the dorsal and caudal fins. The pelvic fins are black, which contrasts markedly with the rest of its body. This coloration not only contributes to its beauty, but also serves a defensive purpose, as its "ocellus" or false eye can confuse potential predators.

Natural habitat and distribution

In the wild, the Coralfish inhabits a wide variety of marine ecosystems. It is found primarily in tropical and subtropical waters, from inland lagoons and protected channels to the outer slopes of coral reefs. It prefers depths between 100 and 150 m. 2 and 75 meters, although it is commonly observed below 15 meters, where it finds shelter and food. Its geographical distribution includes countries such as Australia, Japan, Maldives, Kenya, Indonesia, among many others, ranging from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.

Behavior and sociability

El Heniochus Acuminatus It is an extremely sociable fish, which distinguishes it from many other marine species. In nature, they often form benches or stay in the company of their partner. Sometimes, especially in their youth, they act as parasite cleaners, eliminating them from other larger fish. This behavior makes them even more valuable to marine ecosystems and provides additional interest for aquarists. They rarely exhibit territorial behaviors, which makes it easier for them to coexist with other species in a controlled environment.


The diet of the Coral fish is varied and depends on its environment. In its natural habitat, it feeds mainly on zooplankton and small invertebrates. It may also consume coral polyps, especially of the genera clavularia y ZoanthusIn an aquarium, it easily adapts to an omnivorous diet, accepting flake, pellet and frozen foods as Artemia, mysis and crustacean eggs. To maintain their health, it is important to offer them a balanced diet and supplement with garlic in cases where their appetite decreases.

Coralfish Heniochus Acuminatus eating

Aquarium Care

This fish is relatively easy to keep in marine aquariums, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Some key aspects to ensure its well-being include:

  • Aquarium size: Requires at least 300 liters for a single copy and 500 liters if two or three fish are housed.
  • Water parameters: Temperature between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius, pH between 8 and 8.4, and nitrate and nitrite levels as low as possible.
  • Decoration: Provide caves and shelters for them to hide in, as well as enough room to swim freely.

It is important to note that although they are compatible with many species, they should not be kept with hard corals if you want to protect the latter, since they are part of their diet.


El Heniochus Acuminatus It's a fish oviparous, forming pairs during the reproductive period. Their eggs are pelagic, meaning they float freely in the water. However, there have been no records of successful breeding in captivity, which makes controlled breeding difficult.

Adding this species to your marine aquarium not only adds an element of visual beauty, but also a species with fascinating behavior and surprising adaptability. Its relative ease of care makes it a smart choice for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

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