When we decide have fish as a petIt is important to learn a little about the species and the care and characteristics of each one of them, to give them a good quality of life that allows them to last a long time.
Although many species de peces, require little care and maintenance, others require much more attention and care, especially if we want them to last much longer, giving color and joy to our pond. Some of these fish are the following:
The first to top this list is the ryukin, which is characterized by having a large tail like a veil, and very long fins that give it a very elegant and majestic bearing. These fish have very varied colors such as red, white, black, and mixtures between the 3 types of colors.
Another of the fish that require a lot of care and attention, are the fish Lion's Head or ranchù, which acquire this name due to their large head, which resembles the mane of a lion. In addition, these fish are characterized by the fact that they do not have a dorsal fin.
The oranda It is another of the fish that need a lot of care. They are characterized by looking like a cross between the Ryukin and the Lion Head, since they have a very large head, but they have a dorsal fin. In the same way they can be found in many colors such as combinations between red and black.
The bubble eyes, also belong to the species of fish that require more care and attention inside an aquarium. As their name implies, these fish have fluid-filled vesicles under their eyes, which gives the impression of having bubbles in their eyes. They can be found in colors, yellow, red, black, among others.
how can i take care of my lion head
Does the heat hurt lion's head fish?
I have a lion's head goldfish, can it be? . How long can they disobey?
I have cold water fish and I have the eggs in another tank, I would like to know how long it takes for the fish to hatch
how many days to hatch the fish
Good evening I have 5 goldfish and I would like to know how they mate, I have already been with them for a year and I suspect they are in mating