El flame angelfish, scientifically known as Centropyge loricula, is one of the most fascinating and colorful species that can be found in marine aquariums. Its name comes from the striking colors bright red y orange that adorn her body, which give the impression of a burning flame. In addition, it is distinguished by black stripes vertical on his body and blue edges in its fins. This fish can reach up to 10 centimeters in length and live between 5 and 7 years if properly cared for.
General characteristics of the flame angelfish
In addition to its particular coloration, the flame angelfish exhibits a behavior territorial and a temperament asset. Its natural habitat includes the coral reefs in the central Pacific Ocean and areas such as Hawaii, Guam and Islas Marshall. This fish is known for its ability to adapt to different configurations within an aquarium, as long as certain requirements are respected. specific parameters.
Aquarium requirements
To provide a suitable environment, an aquarium of at least 300 liters capacityIt is essential that the aquarium is decorated with live rocks that promote the growth of natural algae, since these are part of the diet of the flame angelfish. In addition, it is important to include hiding places y caves so that the fish feels safe and can carry out its natural behavior. exploration y refuge.
You should also take into account the following: water quality parameters:
- Temperature: 24-27 ° C.
- pH: 8.1-8.4.
- Salinity: Specific gravity 1.020 to 1.025.
- Hardness: 8-12 dH.
To keep the water in optimal condition, perform partial water changes on a weekly basis and regularly monitor levels of ammonia, nitrites y nitratesIt is also useful to use protein skimmers y activated carbon filters to ensure the purity and stability of the water.
Compatibility and behavior
The flame angelfish is known to be territorial and can sometimes show aggressiveness towards other fish, especially if they share similar characteristics in size or color. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce it into the aquarium after having acclimatized it to other species. In addition, it is not advisable to have more than one flame angelfish of the same genus unless the aquarium is large enough. great to avoid conflicts.
Some aquarium mates Recommended for Flame Angelfish include:
- Corydoras and gobies, due to their quiet nature.
- Behavioral fish peaceful like little damsels.
- Hermit crabs and cleaner shrimp.
should be avoided aggressive fish and with stinging tentacles, such as anemones or delicate corals, as these can stress or injure the Flame Angelfish.
Feeding the Flame Angelfish
The angelfish calls is omnivore and requires a diet varied to ensure their health and well-being. In their natural habitat, they feed on seaweed, detritus and little invertebratesIn captivity, it is recommended to offer a combination of:
- Frozen food such as brine shrimp and mysis.
- Spirulina-based flakes and small pellets designed for reef fish.
- Seaweed fresh or dried.
It is important to feed it several times a day in little portions to replicate their natural grazing behavior and prevent waste buildup in the aquarium.
Reproduction in captivity
Breeding the flame angelfish in aquariums is a challenge and in most cases requires specialized preparation and experience. These fish are protogynous hermaphrodites, meaning that all are born female and some become male depending on the needs of the group.
To encourage reproduction, it is necessary to set up a breeding aquarium with optimal conditions of water, an enriched diet and sufficient space. Spawning usually occurs at to become night, and the fertilized eggs float in the water column before hatching. Since they are delicate animals At this stage, the larvae require specific foods and a controlled environment to survive.
Tips to keep your flame angelfish healthy
Like any marine fish, the flame angelfish can be susceptible to enfermedades such as ich or velvet if the aquarium water is not kept in optimal conditions. To prevent health problems, follow these tips:
- Performs previous quarantines for any new fish or invertebrates before introducing them to the main aquarium.
- Keep a excellent water quality through constant monitoring.
- covers the nutritional needs with a balanced and varied diet.
This beautiful fish can thrive for several years in a well-maintained aquarium, becoming the center of attention with its vivid colors and dynamic behavior. With a suitable habitat, a balanced diet and proper care, the flame angelfish becomes one of the most attractive options for aquarium lovers. marine aquarium looking to beautify their tanks with a striking and lively animal.