The puffer fish, a fascinating inhabitant of the aquatic world, stands out for its peculiar ability to inflate like a balloon when it feels threatened. This ability, together with its powerful venom, makes it one of the most dangerous fish. interesting and, at the same time, dangerous that exist. Below, we explore in depth the characteristics, the necessary care and everything you need to know if you are interested in this unique fish.
General characteristics of the puffer fish
Puffer fish belong to the family Tetraodontidae, which includes about 200 species divided into 25 genera. This family is characterized by its ability to swell when in danger, which it achieves thanks to the absorption of water or air in its elastic stomach. In addition, its skin is covered with short spines and its venom, tetrodotoxin (TTX), is letal for most predators, including humans.
These fish show great variability in size and coloration. While the dwarf puffer fish (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) reaches just 2 cm, the star puffer fish (Arothron stellatus) can exceed one metre in length. Their body structure is stocky, with a spherical body and prominent eyes, and they lack a ventral fin, which gives them a distinctive movement in water.
Habitat and distribution
The pufferfish inhabits a variety of environments, from freshwater and brackish water to saltwater. Freshwater species, such as the ocellated pufferfish (Tetraodon biocellatus), are usually found in Southeast Asian rivers such as the Mekong. On the other hand, marine species such as the Lagocephalus lagocephalus They are widely distributed in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans.
In their natural habitat, they prefer areas with abundant vegetation and hiding places where they can avoid predators. Sandy or muddy bottoms provide them with shelter additional camouflage, while searching for food such as mollusks and crustaceans.
Behavior and temperament
Despite their friendly appearance, puffer fish have a character territorial and aggressive, especially towards its peers. This behaviour is intensified in species such as the green puffer fish (Tetraodon nigroviridis), which with age becomes less tolerant of sharing its space.
In aquariums, it is recommended to keep them alone or, in case of cohabitation, make sure that the other fish are Quick and able to defend themselves. Otherwise, puffer fish may bite the fins of their companions.
Aquarium care
Pufferfish require a well-kept environment to thrive. The aquarium should be spacious, at least 120 cm long for large species, and have plenty of water. vegetation and hiding places. Water quality is crucial: it must be well filtered to avoid enfermedades and maintain a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.
La temperature The ideal temperature depends on the species, but generally ranges between 22 and 28 °C. Regular water changes, 20% to 30% monthly, are essential to maintain a healthy environment.
Pufferfish Feeding
The puffer fish diet should be varied and rich in live foods. Although they can adapt to dry food, it is preferable to offer them mollusks, snails, daphnia, brine shrimp and worms. These foods not only cover their nutritional needs, but they also help wear down their teeth, which are constantly growing.
In the case of freshwater species such as the Amazon puffer fish (Colomesus asellus), a regular supply of shells and mussels is essential to avoid dental problems. Dry foods, although inexpensive, should not be the basis of your diet. diet.
Reproduction in captivity
Breeding pufferfish in captivity is challenging due to their territorial behavior and the difficulty of inducing spawning. In some species, such as the Leiodon cutcutia, hormonal induction is necessary to trigger reproduction. Fertilized eggs usually adhere to the substrate and are guarded by the male until hatching.
During the larval stage, the initial diet should consist of rotifers and brine shrimp nauplii. As they grow, larger foods such as earthworms and insect larvae are introduced.
Precautions and dangers
The puffer fish poison, tetrodotoxin, is highly toxic and has no antidote. This substance is concentrated in the liver, skin and other parts of the body. Its consumption is prohibido in many countries due to the risks involved.
In case of handling, it should be noted extreme caution to avoid poisoning. In addition, fish markets and fishermen must be aware of the regulations governing their sale.
The puffer fish, with its unique appearance and fascinating characteristics, is a true marine spectacle. Whether in its natural habitat or in an aquarium, it requires specialized care and constant dedication to ensure its well-being. Although its venom makes it dangerous, its beauty and peculiarities make it a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts.
Excellent information, happiness 🙂