One of the essential fish in an aquarium is the blue surgeonfish, or better known also as blue spikeIt is that interesting specimen of rounded shape with an intense blue and with very vivid colors with black markings that start at the eyes and extend to the end of the pectoral fin and its yellow tail fin. The exotic appearance makes the blue surgeonfish add color to the marine life in the aquarium.
It must be taken into account that this type of fish does not have the accented black and yellow colorsIt is as it grows when the yellow color is incorporated until it becomes bright blue, and once it is an adult, the blue can change in intensity if the fish so wishes.
However surgeonfish owe their name to the sharp spines that have at the base of the tail. They usually have them retracted but when they see danger approaching or feel threatened they take them out and can hurt other fish or even their keeper.
They are usually very solitary fish and therefore, if there are fish with which they do not get along or are smaller in size, they can be aggressive. To have a peaceful coexistence, it is recommended that you have a lot of space to swim or hide as plants or seabed. It is not appropriate to include two male blue surgeonfish together because they are very territorial.
As for their care, they are usually very delicate precisely until they acclimatize in the aquarium, but still, they are very sensitive and capricious. Their diet is vegetarian, they are vegetarians, although they can eat, from time to time, algae or small crustaceans.
As an interesting part of the surgeonfish, it is their ability to play since they usually get inside the decorations, they will chase the bubbles and they will roll or the dead will be made floating on the surface.
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