This type de peces, nowadays, they are quite appreciated to have inside an aquarium due to their unique appearance and behavior. Bicolor Labeo, belonging to the Cyprinidae family, is native to Southeast Asia, mainly from rivers in Thailand. It is one of the easiest fish to identify thanks to its typical coloration: an intense red caudal fin and a completely black body. In some cases, specimens can be found with other color combinations, although the most common version is the one with a red fin and a black body.
This type de peces It is known for having a triangular dorsal fin reminiscent of shark fins, which is why it is also called red-tailed shark o black shark fish.
Features of the Bicolor Labeo
El Bicolor Labeo, Also known as Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, is a medium-sized fish that can reach up to 12-15 cm in length in captivity, although in its natural habitat it can grow a little larger. It has a hydrodynamic body, which makes it an excellent swimmer, a prominent dorsal fin, and the characteristic red caudal fin, which contrasts noticeably with the black color of the rest of its body. This physiognomy helps it to swim quickly and move agilely in rivers with strong currents, where it originates.
In addition, it stands out for having two pairs of barbels around the mouth, which helps it to search for food at the bottom of the aquarium or river. Its mouth is oriented downwards, which makes it a skilled substrate cleaner, as it feeds on food remains and waste.
Its size and territorial behavior make it Bicolor Labeo It needs a fairly large aquarium, at least 150 liters, to be able to swim freely and establish its territory.
Behavior and relationship with other fish
It is important to note that, although the Bicolor Labeo It is a fish that can coexist with other species. de peces of similar size, it is not advisable to put it together with other fish of the same species. Bicolor Labeo are highly territorial and can become aggressive if they share space with others of the same species, which can cause the aquarium to become a pitched battle among themselves. In their natural habitat, they tend to be solitary and very territorial, which is also reflected in aquariums.
With other species de pecesas the barbels, zebrafish, botias o kuhlis fish, which are of similar size, can coexist without major problems, as long as they are provided with sufficient space and shelters within the aquarium. It is very common for Bicolor Labeo They chase other fish that approach their territory, although they usually do not seriously harm them.
If you decide to have more than one Labeo, it is essential to create several shelters and barriers within the aquarium, such as rocks, plants or logs, to delimit territories and avoid conflicts between fish.
Aquarium conditions
For the Bicolor Labeo To develop properly, it is vital to recreate an environment as close as possible to their natural habitat. The aquarium must have at least 150 liters for a single specimen, and more so if you want to add other fish. In addition, it is recommended that the aquarium have plants, rocks and shelters. These fish tend to take refuge among plants or stones, and enjoy having moderate water currents in the aquarium.
The ideal temperature for your aquarium should be between 23 ° C and 27 ° C. Maintaining the temperature within this range is essential to ensure their well-being. In turn, the quality of the water is very important, requiring water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 and a hardness between 9 and 16°dGhProper aquarium filtration and aeration are essential to prevent water from becoming stagnant and causing discomfort or disease.
The bottom of the aquarium should be composed of fine gravel or sand, since the Bicolor Labeo They have a habit of digging for food. It is also advisable to include plants with fine leaves, since, although these fish are not usually destructive with plants, they can nibble on them if they do not receive enough plant food in their diet.
Feeding of the Labeo Bicolor
El Bicolor Labeo It's a fish omnivore, which means that their diet is varied, and they accept both plant and animal foods. In the wild, they feed mainly on seaweed, insect larvae and plant remains, as well as small crustaceans.
In captivity, this fish can feed on flake food, pellets y live foodsIt is advisable to offer them a varied diet with a high content of vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce o seaweed, to prevent them from starting to nibble on the decorative plants in the aquarium. You can also give them earth worms, mosquito larvae o brine shrimp nauplii as an extra source of protein.
Once or twice a week, you can offer them live or frozen food, such as mosquito larvae or small shrimp, which will help keep your activity and physical condition in good condition.
Reproduction of the Labeo Bicolor
The reproduction of the Bicolor Labeo In captivity it is extremely difficult and is rarely achieved without external interventions. In their natural environment, Bicolor Labeo They are oviparous fish that lay hundreds of eggs in fast-flowing currents so that they do not fall to the bottom and become contaminated. In captivity, however, this is difficult to replicate and reproduction has generally only been achieved through hormonal injections.
If reproduction is achieved, the eggs are very fragile and must be kept in constant movement to prevent them from falling to the bottom and becoming contaminated. fry They are born with a whitish color and their color develops as they grow. Around the seventh week, the fry begin to develop the characteristic colours of the Labeo Bicolor.
It is necessary to feed them with brine shrimp nauplii during the first few weeks, and then gradually introduce vegetable purees for proper growth.
Common Diseases of the Labeo Bicolor
Like any freshwater fish, the Bicolor Labeo It is susceptible to various diseases, especially if the aquarium is not kept in optimal conditions. Among the more common diseases that can affect these fish are:
- White spot disease: This disease is easily recognizable because it leaves white spots on the skin and fins of the fish, making them look like they have white dots. Treatment includes increasing the water temperature and adding specific medicines.
- Fin rot: This is another common condition, usually resulting from a dirty or stressful environment. It is characterized by fin wear and possible discoloration. The solution usually involves improving water quality and treatment with specific antibiotics.
- Stress problems: Since Labeo are territorial, overcrowding or cohabitation with unsuitable species can cause them great levels of stress, resulting in behavioral changes and a duller color.
Extra care to ensure a better quality of life
It is crucial to take care of not only the basic aspects such as food and the aquarium. Bicolor Labeo They are sensitive to bright light, so it is recommended to keep soft lighting in the aquarium. Loud noises or sudden movements in the environment of their artificial habitat should also be avoided, as they can be very sensitive to these changes, easily falling into episodes of stress.
Also, if you notice your fish displaying dull coloration or unusually aggressive behavior, it is important to check both the nitrate and phosphate levels in the water and perform regular water changes. A well-maintained aquarium will not only make this fish live longer, but also display all the visual appeal that characterizes it.
With good care and the right conditions, the Bicolor Labeo can have a life expectancy of up to 6 to 20 years, reaching a considerable size and becoming a very striking and appreciated species in any large community aquarium.