If you are preparing or thinking of setting up a proper aquarium, you have to think first about what type de peces you are going to introduce him, since the care you have to give depends on them, the conditioning that the tank must have, how beautiful it will be, if the species are competition or get along, etc.
There is a great variety de peces of fresh water in the world that we can choose when building our fish tank. As I said before, depending on the size of the fish, the equipment the fish tank has and some other factors, some fish will adapt better than others to such situations. Do you want to know what type de peces Are they the best to adapt to fish tanks?
Freshwater fish
There are many freshwater fish that cannot live in aquariums that are too small, since they need a larger space to be able to live. Maybe they don't need it, since you provide it with food and it doesn't have to protect or defend itself from any predator, but it is a way of life (a necessity so to speak) that this type has. de peces which means they have to live in a large aquarium.
It is well known that it is almost impossible to classify fish objectively. For tastes, colors. There are people who like more striking fish, others who like more elongated fish, etc. There is a great variety de peces that we can place in our aquariums, however, I am going to try to give you a list of the best freshwater fish according to its conditions, care that we have to give it, adaptability and, it will be tried, that for beauty.
The best fish for your aquarium
As I mentioned before, there are many species de peces of freshwater that do not get along well with each other. That is why you have to keep in mind that although they appear on the list that I am going to give you, it does not mean that all of them can live together. We are talking about species of animals that are used to competing for food, territory, etc. So we cannot guarantee the good behavior of all the fish among them.
It is important that before forming our aquarium with the species de peces Whichever we prefer, let's consult with the pet store salesperson first. You probably know which species you can or cannot introduce into the same aquarium without causing any type of problem.
We start with the Killis. These fish can live in many different types of waters, that is why they have great adaptability. They don't have much competition, so they won't have problems adapting to other species. de peces. Most predators will ignore this species. They come in a large number of colors to give a touch of life to your aquarium.
Tang fish
These fish are very small in size, but they are colorful. They are ideal for making a contrast between large fish and small fish. These fish will be able to survive in many types of waters as long as there are no sudden changes.
These fish are quite large. Some can measure more than 12 cm and there are several colors. Being very independent fish they will not generate problems of coexistence with others. They do not usually fight or fight for food. They are ideal for larger aquariums.
Cat fish
Catfish are ideal for medium or large tanks as they will keep them clean. This is because most of the time They spend their time searching for food scraps in the grit at the bottom of the aquarium. Because there is a large amount de peces cats, you will easily find one of them that can live well in your fish tank.
These fish are similar to catfish in their behavior. They spend the whole day rummaging for food scraps in the bottom of the aquarium. However, being smaller in size, they require less care and are more for small aquariums. They have great adaptability, so they can adapt to any type of water and habitat.
These fish are somewhat more troublesome, but they really are exotic for a fish tank. They present a somewhat bigger drawback, and they are omnivores, and they feed on the roe of other fish, and even their young. To have these fish coexisting with the others, you have to be careful in a fish tank that there is a couple and cichlids, since these can end up conquering the fish tank. You can control the population of these fish with the temperature of the water, since if it is very cold or very hot the female will not be able to ovulate.
Of course, a fish tank must have tents. These freshwater fish are the most common in the world. You can find carp in almost any aquarium. Being such a common species, it has managed to develop great resistance to all types of environments, which is why they are very versatile.
other species de peces "cleaners". These fish will keep your tank quite clean, since they have a special organ that they use to adhere to rocks and algae. This in a fish tank, makes the fish adhere to the walls and will keep it more or less clean.
Gourami kissing
This species of fish has a particular characteristic. To be able to demonstrate their hierarchy compared to the rest de peces They start “kissing.” They only do this to prove their position, they are not violent, so they will not have problems living with other species or with members of their own species. These fish, if they are cared for very well, can grow more than 25 cm, although it requires a lot of effort. The normal thing is that they reach about 10 cm.
These fish are very easy to keep. They do not require any kind of special care and in addition, they have great adaptability, so they will be able to live in any type of environment. However, there is a small problem: these fish are very territorial and may attack or be aggressive towards other fish. This can be solved by purchasing a large rock to place in the fish tank. In this way, the mastacembellid will occupy the rock and make it its home. If the rest de peces It doesn't bother him, he won't cause any kind of problem.
These fish will live in the highest part of the aquarium and will try to hunt the insects that return above the water. These fish do not cause problems with the rest de peces. To hunt the insects use a jet of water under pressure.
Balloon fish
They are also quite famous due to the fact that it has the worst poison in the world. But nevertheless, this does not mean that these fish (their relatives) are poisonous. These fish are not aggressive and can live with other species that are also peaceful.
These fish are peaceful although they have a bad reputation, since piranhas are part of this species. Most of these fish are herbivores, but others are not. As long as they are well fed they will not cause problems.
It is a sub-species of carp. These fish are usually smaller. The males are the most colorful so they are perfect to add a touch of color to our aquarium. They do not require special care of any kind.
Rainbow fish
As their name suggests, they are multi-colored fish. These fish do not require any care And with the right amount of light, these fish can be quite a sight.
These fish are used to living in environments very low in oxygen and stagnant waters, this makes this species a much more resistant fish to other colored species. These fish are perfect for newbies as they are pretty, and tough. If you can't keep one of these fish alive, you are doing something wrong.
These are quite social fish and require several companions of the same species in order to survive. Otherwise they will suffer stress. They are very peaceful and often feel uncomfortable at times. If so, they change their behavior and they may stop eating or moving.
These fish adapt very well to various environments. One of the main differences they have with carp is their skeleton and the type of scale that covers their body. They are smaller than normal and usually have some "slices" of unique colors.
Ax Fish
The name of these fish is given by a characteristic ax blade shape. These fish will live on top of your aquarium. Many of these fish require special care, and these fish may be the most difficult freshwater fish to keep.
with this list de peces that adapt well, are colorful, do not require special care and, in general, do not cause problems with other fish, I hope I have given you ideas on how you should stock your fish tank.
Greetings Pedro =) the aquarium filter is mainly according to the number of liters that your aquarium has,
What are the different types of filters?
- Mechanics
- chemistry
- Biological
There are also internal filters, bottom filters or plates, waterfall filter sponge filter, in short the variety is great, just look for the one that best suits your aquarium =)
Hello Germán, very good information. I just want to mention one detail, surely by accident when creating the page they uploaded the image of a bicolor labeo (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) where toxotides are described. An image of the Toxotes Jaculator (Archer Fish) would correspond. Greetings.
greetings ... in venezuela which is the least aggressive type of freshwater fish?
beautiful I love all