La lighting in the aquarium is necessary to get a suitable marine ecosystem. It is the different equipment that varies the lighting depending on its intensity, type of radiation or quality, without forgetting its photoperiod, a vital element since the development of one or other species of algae depends on its nature.
In the marine aquarium of the so-called de reef and mixed lighting plays a very important role in the development of various coral organisms. This is due to the fact that these beings present microalgae colonies in their outermost layers.
These algae present in coral tissue use light and of certain compounds that absorb from the environment to produce sugars that are used as a food source by the coral. This source of energy complements the food that corals are able to retain by the extension of their tentacles.
They also have their importance, not only due to photosynthetic processes since they collaborate in the elimination of waste and harmful elements that could harm fish, their presence is also closely related to coral growth and its pigmentation reflects certain shades of the color spectrum producing part of the coral coloration.
Now the marine aquariums de pecesWith lighting, the presence of invertebrates and corals is no longer so necessary. The requirements are lower because today's installations, in terms of lighting, are reduced to select the one that is more aesthetic and give us a greater reflection of the showy coloration to the fish.
It must be taken into account, among other things, that the lighting is not prone to the formation of algae colonies and is adequate for plants to carry out photosynthesis important for the aquarium.