Golden carp

Of the first fish I had, the Golden carp it has always been the one that lasted me the longest (in a fish tank, for 3 years). It is one of the fish that most parents buy for their children at some point in their lives. Of course, then there is the fact of realizing that it has died and running to buy a new fish before the children find out that it has died, how many times have our mothers and fathers done that to us?

And it is that the golden carp, one of the most beloved fish in Japan and China and that is part of many ponds, may be the best and, in fact, there are not many to choose from cold water. These tents they can be white, gold (orange) or yellow but also of other colors and if they have space they grow a lot (and may not fit in the aquarium itself with the care you give it). In any case, fish only grow when they have a place to grow, when they don't, their development slows down or stops.

El carp Not a long time ago, he is calm and playful when you have confidence with your owner. They eat a couple of times a day (the special food for them) but they also like to eat some bread from time to time (they like that a lot).

When breed They are not easy, at least in aquariums, but it can be done and usually occurs in spring when there is a sudden change in temperature where the males begin to chase the females.

FOR distinguish them There are several guidelines such as the color (if it is brighter it is male), the figure (if it is more rounded with the small fins it is female), or touching them but that is not recommended.

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      graziella said

    Hello, I have a regular-sized carp fish that I don't know what it has, I think it's sick, its head is usually shiny white but it's red and also its transparent and white tail is red, what can I do to help it?