The character of the fish false disk or Heros severus It is a kind of sweet water with a gentle character. For this reason it is suitable to be able to coexist with species of similar size in aquariums. Species such as Discos, Oscar fish and scalars of sufficient size. The males are usually larger and with the fins more elongated than the females.
Its appearance is rounded but laterally compressed. Hence it is called a false disk, due to its enormous resemblance to this species. Its coloration varies between different shades that go from green to brown and from reddish to gold. It also has a series of vertical lines. These intensify depending on the mood of the fish.
Maintenance in the aquarium
To keep the false disc in an aquarium you need a large one. Not less than 200 liters. The water must be moderately soft and slightly acidic. Although it also adapts to neutral waters and with a greater amount of dissolved salts. The temperature should oscillate between 26 and 28º. It reaches a size of 20 centimeters.
It is an omnivorous species. Therefore, their diet has to be made up of vegetables. It can be flaked and dried food. And it can be completed with live or frozen food. Although his diet does not present the biggest problem.
El heros severus or false disco can breed in captivity. As a general rule, stable couples are formed. However, the difficult thing is to create a couple because not all males and females are compatible.
After preparation for laying, on a flat surface. This can reach 400 eggs that hatch at approximately 48 hours. The larvae after hatching are kept by the couple in holes dug near the stone chosen for laying.
Like the discus fish, the fry are cared for by their parents for two to three weeks. And after three or four days they can already feed on powdered food.